Danish translation of xenforo

It sounds to me like 3 different people want to contribute.

Rather than everyone waiting until 1 person finishes, why not divide the 4,500 phrases into 3 groups? Then each person does 1,500 and it is complete faster!

P.S. I lived in Denmark 2 years. ;)
Hi there... did you translated the forum mate ?

I also got a xenforo forum and im on my way to translate all the forum to danish :)
I have moved this thread to the add-ons discussion forum, which is customers only.

If you want to continue posting in it you will need to associate your forum user name with your license.
Great idea feldon30. I am also in for translating some of the phrases. And if some of you who has already translated some of it, is willing to share, then we can take it from there and split the remaining between us.
I just did a google search for a dnish translation, to see if I had missed anything before starting my own translation. And I found this site http://xenforo.dk/ they offer danish traslations to both xenforo and addons.

I havent bought anything there yet, so I cant say anything about the quality of the translation - but unless something else shows up I will.

Just wanted to share my findings
I have started a danish translation - and I will share my free translations on completion.

How do I uploade to ressources when .xml is not allowed? I am both translating xenforo and xf add-ons - how to separate them?

It would be nice with a danish xf group! For support in danish! Can it be done?

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