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Custom Usergroups Widget 0.25

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could you change it so that not the website is displayed but the title of the player? Like this from the "Staff Online Now":
Nice, when will the update come?

Is it possible that the users who are online have a green frame or something else to show that they are online at the moment?
right i installed it when to widgets then made it for forums_list then done all that pressed f5 on my site so it refreshs it come up with super admin then no user at the bottom but 0.23 work but 0.24 has bugs
right i installed it when to widgets then made it for forums_list then done all that pressed f5 on my site so it refreshs it come up with super admin then no user at the bottom but 0.23 work but 0.24 has bugs
Please read the change log of version 0.24:
Now this support for secondary groups. Because almost user will be add into secondary groups. So if your forum using primary please using version 0.23
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