Implemented Custom profile fields

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
8 pages should hopefully demonstrate to the powers that be that Custom Profile Fields are very important and show-stoppers to quite a few forums from moving to XF until they're in the standard product.

It would be nice if we could get some feedback from Kier / Mike on this as to when we can expect to see it, i.e. whether its a high priority for them to add it or not.
Yes some sort of roadmap would be nice for planning purposes. Doesn't have to be set in stone just give us an idea of what's to come.
Requesting roadmaps has given me a bad taste since around 2009. While it would be nice to know the general timeframe something is planned for, I'd be pretty disappointed if the feature missed the mark.

Nevertheless, this feature would be pretty sweet for 1.1 (or 1.0.2) hehe.
The only thing keeping me from buying xenforo is custom profile fields.

honestly you charge 140 dollars for a license for a forum without basic features that all free forums have lol, every single Free CMS system has custom fields except this one...

what is wrong with this picture?
I will chime in and say that I have a client that loves XenForo but until there are custom profile fields, they will not migrate over. Hopefully 1.1 is soon!
It's been almost a year since this feature was requested. I hope this isn't a taste of things to come. I'm just about giving up on xF.
It's been almost a year since this feature was requested. I hope this isn't a taste of things to come. I'm just about giving up on xF.
And they're coming in 1.1. :)

Development takes time, and properly doing it takes a bit longer, though I suspect it won't that much longer.
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