CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
The styling distracts from what the intention is: the content. Personally, I agree with the way Paul has implemented it.

I have to agree also. I prefer it being text based rather than having fully fledged styled prefixes.
Is there a way to change the location "Read More" link to follow immediately after the thread text (i.e. on the same line) so as not to add height to the container beyond the height of the avatar when displaying short threads?
You will need to edit the template and move it yourself, I believe. As far as I'm aware, the positioning of the Read More link is not a style property.
Hi @Brogan,
Is the likelihood of an image for the featured(instead of the poster avatar) thread likely to be introduced anytime soon within this addon?
@Jeremy is correct, it would require a template edit to move the "Read More..." link.

@tajhay, that suggestion has already been made and is on the list for consideration.
I can't say if or when it will be introduced though.
Could you integrate this with the Resources add-on so that resources could be featured as well?

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