CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Can you explain how both would work?
As I understand it, currently you have one portal page for every featured thread, making it a bit difficult for users to look for threads from the same topic. Imagine you have a multiple platform gaming site and some of your users are only interested in featured threads about Xbox. So what they need is another portal page that lists only featured threads about Xbox topics. So in order to accomplish this you need a function to assign threads to categories when attempting to feature them. You can create categories in the ACP.

Every portal page of course needs its own URL. Here is a suggestion as to how the URLs can look like:


Tags are basically the same thing, only that you can assign threads to multiple tags and you can create them in the ACP as well as on-the-fly when attempting to feature threads. They are meant to further categorize topics within the same categorie (for example Xbox One is a tag, Xbox360 is a tag, but Xbox is a categorie). Also here is a suggestion as to how the URLs can look like for tags:


I believe this would not conflict with the xentags add-on as it uses the route "tags". If required, you can further individualize the route to for example "ftag", "ftags", "ctag"or whatever.
Thanks for the suggestions and the clarification.

I'll add them to the list but I can't say at this point whether they will be added.
What are your thoughts on having an option to feature threads with the most first post likes? This would be an admin defined where X amount of threads that received the most first post likes in the past X days/weeks would be featured.
That has already been suggested.

I'm not a fan of it though and it's not currently on the list of features to be added.
Sorry if this question was post before, but I can not find a way to change the size avatar, I changed the size of course in featured page settings, but this still not reflected in my page. only icons size have changed but avatars no.
The avatar uses the xen:avatar function so you would need to edit the template and change it from m to l.
I wouldn't recommend it though as the l avatars are not necessarily a uniform size.
Thanks Brogan for your fast answer, the issue here is that icons in my portal shows 3 times bigger than avatars, this breaks the look of the page,so I'm trying to give a unified size for both avatars and icons, now that I know there is m and l size, I would prefer to give avatars L size, and then give icons the same size, could you tell me please which template should I edit?
You will need to edit the cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item template.
Look for lines 8 and 10:
    <xen:avatar user="$featuredThread" size="m" text="{$featuredThread.username}" title="{$featuredThread.username}" class="Tooltip" />
<xen:else />
    <xen:avatar user="$featuredThread" size="m" />

Change size="m" to size="l".
You will also need to change the SPs to match.
Hi @Brogan - I've got a member who is visually impaired. He has a Galaxy Tab (1280x800 landscape) and overrides the font size in Chrome to the point where the responsive design kicks in and the navigation menu is compacted - moving the Mark Forums Read button into the dotted drop-down - like this:


He uses Mark Forums Read all the time so I wondered if the Featured Threads menu button could be deprecated to the drop-down instead - do you know if this is possible?

Shaun :D
It's automatic, based on the order of the links, with the links on the left being added as the screen reduces in width.

Other than changing the position of the link(s), or reducing the width of the tabs by editing the phrases, there's not much which can be done.

If you want to change the position of the Featured Threads link (for everyone), you will need to edit the template modification and change the Find string to move it to be the first link.

Otherwise you can edit the navigation template and move the Mark Forums Read link to further along.
Okay, thanks for confirming what can/can't be done - I'll have a play around with it and see what I can come up with.

I've already discovered that I can remove the navigation link by disabling the Featured Threads "page" - so that might be a good way to approach it; the featured blocks will still pop up on the homepage and forum pages, and it'll "fix" the navigation link without disabling the feature altogether. (y)

Shaun :D
Okay, thanks for confirming what can/can't be done - I'll have a play around with it and see what I can come up with.

I've already discovered that I can remove the navigation link by disabling the Featured Threads "page" - so that might be a good way to approach it; the featured blocks will still pop up on the homepage and forum pages, and it'll "fix" the navigation link without disabling the feature altogether. (y)

Shaun :D

You could also comment out "Search Forums" since there is a Search box already in place. Just a thought.
It's been two weeks so it's about time for another release, isn't it?

2.6 Alpha is currently running on my own site.
There's one more feature to be added and then it should be ready for release.
It's been two weeks so it's about time for another release, isn't it?

2.6 Alpha is currently running on my own site.
There's one more feature to be added and then it should be ready for release.
That reminds me.. I need to pick up another copy of this. I'll catch up with you later :D
I must confess I haven't been as busy since the last release as usual.
Real life stuff, work, half term, etc. always seems to get in the way :D

The to do feature list is growing faster than it has for some time too :(
A quick hack fix for the problem of not being able to highlight the home tab. This assumes your home tab is first and forums second, but can of course be adjusted to suit. Links also have to be changed to suit your installation.

This is for the default XF menu.

<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery( "ul.publicTabs li.home" ).remove();
jQuery( "ul.publicTabs li.forum" ).remove();
jQuery( "ul.publicTabs" ).prepend ('<li class=\"navTab home selected\"><a href=\"http://www.yourdomain.co.uk/\" class=\"navLink\">Home</a><div class="tabLinks"></div></li><li class=\"navTab forums PopupClosed\"><a href=\"/community/\" class=\"navLink\">Forums</a></li>');
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