CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Actually, I don't feel great about moving to an annual renewal model but I never anticipated developing the add-on beyond a simple block on the forum index, which is all it was originally.

Which is why it was relatively low priced with no renewal to begin with - it wasn't justified.

Then it just got more and more complex with more features and functionality so I feel it is warranted now, although I can understand why some may not be pleased about the change in terms.

Which is why I have tried to mitigate it somewhat by giving a free XF2 license for each XF1 license held, albeit the renewal fee will have to be paid to download.

Hopefully that goes some way to making it more palatable and it also allows me to support both versions of the add-on, for XF1 and XF2, for some time to come, without having to EOL the XF1 version.
So site owners can continue to run the XF1 version or upgrade to the XF2 version, or use both (on different sites, obviously).
You're way too nice

Question though for you on the site:

The CTA home page is at thecountrynation.com/forums


And the actual forums themselves are at thecountrynation.com/forums/forums/


Thats problematic for me. I would rather see the CTA home page as /featured or /home rather than at forums then have 2 forums directories. How can I sort that?
Your installation is in the /forums directory on the server.
You will need to move it to the root to remove the /forums.
Yes I just moved the installation from root to forums because I am planning on adding a landing page in the root which will have links to the forum as well as other places so my installation needs to be in forums. I guess I could link home to the CTA home and the forums link to /forums/forums but I would really like to see a way to avoid/go aorund that. For your consideration in a future update please.

The route path is the section of the URL to a page after your main forum directory URL, such as forums/ or pages/page-name/. Do not reference a route filter here.

Maybe there is something I can do here, maybe move the forums to a different named directory on the server. I dont know, just thinking out loud, don't want to complicate it too much root needs to stay as is and don't dig /forums/forums at all,
If it's just the double /forums you want to change, you could consider renaming the directory to e.g. community.

Then the URLs would be domain/community and domain/community/forums.

I am interested in this addon. I use on some sites xenporta2, but there are a few features, that I am looking for for my other sites, which Xenporta2 is not offering. So here are my questions:

1. Is there a possibility to import articles written in Joomla (newest version) into a specific subforum of xenforo and CTA takes these articles and display them like a blog on the front page incl. the images, ordered by original publishing date of Joomla?

Explanation: I do not want to loose all my old Joomla articles (i do not have users in Joomla). So I would love to get them into xenforo with an importer and display them like in Joomla.

2. Is CTA able to automatically publish postings of specific pre-defined subforums of Xenforo as a blog on the front page (like Xenporta2 can do this)?

Explanation: I have two subforums in my xenforo forum, in which my users post always news. I want CTA to publish those news automatically like a wordpress blog on the front page.

3. Is CTA able to act like a Blog and post-date pre-written articles?

Explanation: I want to write a posting i.e. on a Sunday, but it shall not be visible to the users until Wednesday at 11am. Neither on the front page, nor in the forum. Is there a way with CTA to do this? If yes, will then the thread also created on Wednesday (timestamp & visibility)?
Is there a possibility to import articles written in Joomla
There is no importer built in to this add-on so you would need some other way of importing that content.
Once the content is imported as threads, then it can be featured and displayed on the home page.

Is CTA able to automatically publishes postings of specific prefdiefned subsforums of Xenforo as a blog on the fron page

Is CTA able to act like a Blog and post-date pre-written articles?
No, there is no functionality for that.
There is no importer built in to this add-on so you would need some other way of importing that content.
Once the content is imported as threads, then it can be featured and displayed on the home page.


No, there is no functionality for that.

Regarding #1 and #3:

Would you be willing to develop something like that /add this feature in the future (i would pay for this development or try to find more for funding this)?

Especially #3 is important for me, to finally say "goodbye" to Wordpress and Joomla :)
#1 Is essentially a generic Joomla importer rather than something related to this add-on, as the content would just be imported as threads, which could then be featured like any other thread.

#3 Has been suggested previously but it seems to be quite niche (only requested once or twice), and due to the complexity of the feature, it's not something I have considered adding at this time.
#1 Is essentially a generic Joomla importer rather than something related to this add-on, as the content would just be imported as threads, which could then be featured like any other thread.

#3 Has been suggested previously but it seems to be quite niche (only requested once or twice), and due to the complexity of the feature, it's not something I have considered adding at this time.

What about payed custom work? I would try to find other with whom I could share the bill?

You can send me a quote via PM seperated in #1 and #3, so that I see for which project I can find others independantly.

CTA with both features together would be a Joomla/Wordpress-killer plugin (y)

no more bridges....
I may be able to provide a quote for #3, but #1 wouldn't be something I would be interested in.

Even with #3, the concept I have to say is a little alien to me, creating a thread now but only making it available at a future date.
Why not just create the thread at the time you want to post it?
I may be able to provide a quote for #3, but #1 wouldn't be something I would be interested in.

Even with #3, the concept I have to say is a little alien to me, creating a thread now but only making it available at a future date.
Why not just create the thread at the time you want to post it?

Most blogs, facebook, etc allow you to schedule content to be posted on future dates (i.e. if you're away but don't want empty content for weeks, to coincide with events (like sports matches), etc)
I may be able to provide a quote for #3, but #1 wouldn't be something I would be interested in.

Even with #3, the concept I have to say is a little alien to me, creating a thread now but only making it available at a future date.
Why not just create the thread at the time you want to post it?

If you have a news portal, you get information sometimes only, if you sign an NDA (non-disclosure-agreement). That means I am not allowed to publish something before a specific deadline, otherwise the company is suing me.

Because the NDA deadlines sometimes end at 3am in the morning, I am not really in the mood to go up that early and start writing then :)

So this is why Joomla is so useful for news sites. You can write it 3 weeks in advance, with nice layout etc. without any stress and then it gets pusblished automatically on day x 3 weeks later at time z.
I see.

Send me the details via conversation as to how you envisage it working and I'll see if I can come up with a quote.
@RobParker, @snoopy5, I fully agree with you, guys!
Dear @Brogan, it will be great if you add feature #3 in your excellent addon! (y)
In this case, especially for me your addon will become to ultimate addon!

Before I posted articles and threads of members and journalists in my forum, I check their.
If I'll be able set specific date and hours for each articles, threads in premoderation queue - this will be outstanding, awesome, beautiful!
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