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[CTA] Countdown Timer 1.7.5_00_EQnoble

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There is a problem, this added only works on Firefox browser.
hmm....that is curious...lemme go through this and try to figure out why that is...

Great, EQnoble. But you forgot to put it inside the "library" folder for the update attached file. :)
<facepalm> Thanks for letting me know this as well.

I'm batting 1000 today I guess (total sarcasm :) ), lesson of the day, 'sleepworking' is a useless and futile exercise in waste accumulation. (and so is working on an empty now and then I will fix this.)

Sorry about these problems, hopefully one more update will fix the issues big and small.
Ok I have this fixed I believe and made it much less complex with the same overall effect.

My lunch/dinner is ready and when I finish I will test it one more time and then put the update up.
Several of my savvy users complained about either small increases, or extremely large increase in CPU activity when the countdown was actively counting down. This heightened CPU activity meant battery time was lowered. Is it possible v1.50 addressed this issue?
Several of my savvy users complained about either small increases, or extremely large increase in CPU activity when the countdown was actively counting down. This heightened CPU activity meant battery time was lowered. Is it possible v1.50 addressed this issue?

It is a pluggin that uses js/jQ to countdown to a date...I don't see how I could make a small basic plugin lighter than it is and I wasn't aware of any cpu issue to be honest.

Is anyone else seeing this issue?

Thank you for your interest.
Problem is not solved yet.

I just installed this in a clean instance of xf and tested it in ff IE and chrome and it displays correctly in each...

After reinstalling/upgrading the addon it may be needed to go to the options for it and even if you change nothing you must click save.
I have, within ACP options:
Day: 21
Month: 4
Year: 2013
Hour: 19
Minute: 0
Second: 0

.. which is ~10 days from now. When the counter ia active though, it is showing 3 days until count down completion. Clock on my server and PC are both correct, and ntpd synced.
Well I am looking at your site and don't see the timer at all...I assume it is disabled.

Please screenshot your options and let me know when the timer is running on your site.
When you uncheck display weeks should the day count go up?

Mine is showing 2 weeks 6 days, should that swap to 20 days when you uncheck display weeks? Mine just says 6 days.
When you uncheck display weeks should the day count go up?
Mine is showing 2 weeks 6 days, should that swap to 20 days when you uncheck display weeks? Mine just says 6 days.

That's the issue. I ticked 'Display Weeks' and it changed to 1 wk 3 days. Untick 'Display Weeks' and it just shows 3 days. Thus, it's not adding 7 days to the number of days. Yes, I have the add-on currently disabled due to this occurrence.

Also, how would I remove the seconds from displaying?
Thanks you two, I have figured out the problem here and you guys actually inspired me to figure out another issue and fix that as well, which I have now.

As before I will try to test this a bunch over the next hour or so before uploading the update.

That's the issue. I ticked 'Display Weeks' and it changed to 1 wk 3 days. Untick 'Display Weeks' and it just shows 3 days. Thus, it's not adding 7 days to the number of days. Yes, I have the add-on currently disabled due to this occurrence.

Also, how would I remove the seconds from displaying?

Let me know that all is ok with this addon for you on your end...when you or Mark can confirm that this solves your issue I will try and add an option to not display seconds.
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