Add-on Crowd-funding proposal for classifieds add-on.

One user can buy from another user and pay directly (face to face), or pay in post office, or pay directly in bank, or pay on some other way than online.
ah... that's between both the parties to decide innit? The system will only handle payments to post the ads, transaction between the users are done directly between them and not through the system. At least for now :)
That sounds very interesting. I always wanted my users to have their own classified section and at the moment I`m handling this with a simple-sub forum and an add-on from Audentio to connect the ads / threads to banners:

I`m excited to hear that auctions are also planned as having my own little ebay clone would of course be even better than just classifieds.

I have some questions:
Feedback System – For a successful classified site, users need to build trust and this can be achieved with the feedback system. Both buyers and sellers can write reviews which will be shown on both their profiles and on the relevant classified pages. This is help weed out the frauds and low quality ads.

I never used it but the XenCentral Trading System seems to do exactly what you`re describing. Wouldn`t it make sense to not code this yourself but instead make sure your add-ons work together? Or is there any reason you don`t want to use XenCentrals add-on?

Hm, if I understand your initial post correctly, you`re going to buy a new workstation with the money from the crowd-funding. The new workstation is a prerequisite to start coding the add-on. You said:
If I can't reach the goal then I'll go with what I have:
Does that mean you`re going to buy the workstation anyway even if you don`t reach the 2K goal? This confuses me a little bit and I`d appreciate if you could shed some light on it.
  • USD 30 or more – Discounted license, you will get the package as soon as the public beta is started. Includes support for 1 year from when the public beta is released.
  • USD 70 or more – Discounted license with branding free, you will get the package as soon as the public beta is started. Includes support for 1 year from when the public beta is released.
In my opinion, 1 year support from stable version is much fair ;)
I was wondering about the same

So what will be the yearly renewal charges after that period?
I never used it but the XenCentral Trading System seems to do exactly what you`re describing. Wouldn`t it make sense to not code this yourself but instead make sure your add-ons work together? Or is there any reason you don`t want to use XenCentrals add-on?
The system for this add-on would be a little different and users who don't have the XenCentral add-on would fuss that they will have to buy another add-on just to add a functionality "that should be in the core" ;)

Does that mean you`re going to buy the workstation anyway even if you don`t reach the 2K goal? This confuses me a little bit and I`d appreciate if you could shed some light on it.
The perfect workstation for me that I planned to buy will cost around 2.5k USD in Bangladesh (electronics are pricey here...) but there's a saying that "something is better than nothing". It wouldn't be wise for me to pointlessly wait for the target to reach and ultimately my works will be stopped for too long. Though if I buy a low-end I will lose my morale as I've always been using high-end stuff :P That's why I am crossing my fingers that I'll be able to achieve my target with your help :)
Lifetime support for 100+ tiers is to show my gratitude for helping me in the time of needs :) Though that does not mean that I am not grateful for the other two tiers ;)
I have plans for everyone contributing to this campaign and will talk about it in details later :)

So what will be the yearly renewal charges after that period?
I am going with USD 20 per year. The prices might drop in the near future if I can get a good number of customers (which will hopefully happen by the looks of it...). So worry about that a year later :P
Wanting to point out this:

I'll guarantee at least $500 in refunds if things go astray and there is no product or if Mr. Goodie2Shoes goes missing.

I possibly may be able to get a bit more, but I personally guarantee I can give back to those investing that amount. I realize it doesn't cover the full amount, but at least you aren't COMPLETELY without if something goes wrong.

Just wanted to give all those interested and on the edge that information.

Currently in works of getting a bit more backing, but I wanted to ease some of the monetary concerns those interested may have.

Also, XFU has nothing to do with this modification at all. His site is currently under construction, and we offered him a place to have it. He has stated who has access to the main area, as well as his other areas. I do not get involved in it, XFU has zero input. We simply provided an area that will help the XenForo community as a whole. Seeing as I have not purchased into the crowdfund as of yet, my opinions on what he does with this really means nothing. I have no voice in the project. I did feel, in the end, that if I was comfortable enough to have him using XFUniverse as an area to get ideas, take in bug reports, etc.. I may as well put my money where my mouth is and start providing some type of "insurance" for those that really don't want to feel the sting of being burnt.

I hope this eases your minds a bit.
How are these guarantees enforceable? Are they in writing and signed? Is there collateral held in escrow to back it up if things go wrong?
Just curious.

I would not be inclined to buy an addon until the work is done. That way there is less risk of loss (as it is, you take a risk that the coder will send the addon, and that it works).
If I hired a plumber to fix a leak in my house, I would not buy him $2000 in tools to fix the leak.
If I hired a carpenter to build a house, I wouldn't buy him $2000 worth of tools to do it.
What if he never finished? What if he just left? Can you enforce a promise over the Internet, where people are miles away, in different countries?

There is a lot of risk involved in something like this.
@The Hobby-Machinist - I've worked with @Mr. Goodie2Shoes - and he's one of the VERY GOOD guys you'd ever find on XenForo. I've found him totally professional and trustworthy - and I'm not the guy who'd trust anyone easily.

If he's promising to deliver anything - he'll do it anyway. I'm aware of the troubles he's going through and I am confident that once he's got his machine ready, he'll deliver what he promised in super fast time. Rest - it's up to you to believe him.
I am sure he is a terrific guy. It was never my intention to flame him. (Though some accused me of that).

All I said was that our not for profit corporation cannot transact business that way, and I will not do it.
We have purchased several add-ons from coders here and have been extremely satisfied. We have also had some custom work done, and have been extremely satisfied.

I hope all works out for all involved.
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