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Create Thread on warning 1.2

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  • Thread starter Thread starter ragtek
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This plugin seems to be randomly causing an error when issuing warning points, "Please enter a value using 100 characters or fewer."

Any ideas?

How long is the thread title? There's a bug where if the title is too long it gives that error.
I thought that might be the case (one of my moderators reported the issue), but now none of us can duplicate it, even with very long thread titles. I'll report back if I learn anything else.
It's working on 1.3.4 for me.

An absolutely essential plugin, no doubt. Not sure how anyone manages moderators in a large community without this functionality...
Is there another alternative to this addon since ragtek is no longer here?

It's working in 1.3.4 but we'd like to see some changes made.
Moderator Essentials doesn't have similar functionality though, does it?

We really need a place to discuss and log the actions over the long term, and the report area just isn't conducive to that.

Although I haven't tested this with 1.4 yet, it is working with 1.3.5, for what it's worth.
Randomly I get errors when I try to warn someone that say "Please enter a value using 100 characters or fewer." If I turn off the addon it works.
I have also experienced this bug on my forum.
This addon doesn't appear to be supported anymore. This is such a shame. I really need this. I can't believe XF doesn't include a searchable/discuss-able list of warnings. It's prolly the biggest flaw in XF moderation. How are other big boards handling this?
He has had ample opportunity to make himself known and resume support of his add-ons, but has chosen not to.
There's a workaround that has been previously provided:
ragtek, I'm getting the "please enter a value using 100 characters or fewer" error when warning a post in a thread w/ a long title. yes, I've updated to the newest version & I'm still getting the error. disabling this addon makes the error go away. I'm able to make warnings from the profile page. I can see the code trimming the title so I don't know why it's happening.

just for fun I change the value from 100 to 90 & the warning worked / the thread was created.
$subject = XenForo_Helper_String::wholeWordTrim($subject, 90, 0);

The line is located in library/Ragtek/TWO/Model.php : find the code starting with _getThreadTitle(array $warningData) and the line to change should be 5 or 6 lines below.
Find :
$subject = XenForo_Helper_String::wholeWordTrim($subject, 100, 0);
Change it to :
Rich (BB code):
$subject = XenForo_Helper_String::wholeWordTrim($subject, 50, 0);

I used 50 just to be sure, you can even try lower. Title is not that important.

EDIT: Also, anyone interested in maintaining this add-on can fork it on github.
I have also experienced this bug on my forum.
I'd argue this a XenForo bug rather than a bug in this addon. What is happening is that when you do the trim of the title using "wholeWordTrim", that function will cut the length to the text to nominated value (100 in this case) but then adds on the elipses (...), meaning that the function may return a string that is 103 characters in length, which will then fail the title length check as the thread title cant be more than 100 characters long.
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