Court case against my hackers.

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Bear in mind, this is a Civil case, not a criminal case - its different and in the early stages, you don't need legal representation anyway.
I rather get professional legal counsel and do it right from the start, showing them you're more than serious. Than risk making a rookie mistake yourself in the first three steps.
I rather get professional legal counsel and do it right from the start, showing them you're more than serious. Than risk making a rookie mistake yourself in the first three steps.
Exactly. :)
I feel sorry for their parent(s)/guardian(s). Hopefully justice is served though.
Don't be. The kid is an idiot in the first place. The parents/guardians are going to be very angry when they find out. Very angry.

Try having a parent whose hometown is elsewhere than the one he's currently in. They ship you back to the hometown.
Hopefully CourtTV will carry this in the states. Cant wait to see Judge Ito presiding over this.

Good luck and stick it to them to the max!
i can imagine that hacker will get kicked out from the college, no way a dean would accept a blatant lawbreaker.
Many people earn their livelihood through their websites. In such cases a site is no different from a physical establishment. If my physical establishment was broken into and vandalized I would no doubt be furious and seeking justice. Same goes for sites that people make a living out of.

However there is one thing though, data in a website is replaceable if appropriate backups are present. If the hacker did not cause any lasting damage, and if it comes to the point where a couple of kids futures would be ruined, I would consider forgiving them with a warning. In fact I would instead ask the judge to punish them with some form of community service. Maybe make them work in old age homes for 6 months or clean the roads / sewage system or something. Something which does not damage their futures but also teaches them a lesson.
Glad to hear you are not pursuing this criminally, it would ruin their whole lives for what is no doubt a passing phase of teen stupidity.
That would be just down the road from me then (Birmingham/Coventry) :) Nice to see some locals here lol

Yes im halfway between Birmingham and Worcester, in Bromsgrove.

Glad to hear you are not pursuing this criminally, it would ruin their whole lives for what is no doubt a passing phase of teen stupidity.

Due to recent developments, which, depending on the Christmas period I may be able to explain in the next few days, or after new year, we may end up having to push for criminal charges also.
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