Copy a style without it being a child of the original

Neil E.

Active member
Create new style (no parent) creates a new style that is a copy of the master style.

Create new style (with parent) creates a new style that is a copy of the parent.
This makes the new style a child of the parent.

I want to copy a style, but have it in the regular list as an equal, not a child. This means I start out with the styling I initially created, and then can expand on it using experimental stuff. If it goes well enough, I might make it my final style.

How is this done (copy as an equal)?
Child styles inherit changes made to the parent. There is no option to "flatten" a child style to make it self-contained. Children are always dependent on the parent. If you download a child style it will only save changes in the child, not changes in the parent.
Is there any way to have two identical styles which are parents? One acts as a reference (left as is), the other is for experimenting?

Export current style / copy and rename / import as new style?
Just export the current style and re-import it at the same level.

-| Master Style
--| My Style

Export 'My Style', reimport:
-| Master Style
--| My Style
--| My Style 2
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