Converter for vBulletin 5?

I'm frankly not certain too many vB5 converters will pop up. Reasoning being the extremely poor reception of vB5, and thus limited interest for the product, meaning that converters would draw limited interest as well.

I'm deeply sorry to hear the OP actually bought vB5. If nobody comes out with a convertor, I have a SQL Server converter for some SQL-based forum software to XenForo that might be possible to change for vB5. If you do not mind that your users will probably have to reset their passwords, and if the amount of permissions you have is very limited (my solution did not take permissions into account), it might be possible to adjust the solution to get the important stuff (users/forums/threads/posts) across.

You'd loose data, but then again, you already did that when converting to vB5.

I did lose some data because of some serious vb bugs that forced me to do a restore. This should have been my first sign of an issue :)

Resetting passwords isn't a big deal, and I don't have anything complex setup with permissions. I'm sure I can find a solution.
Wow, there's a name I haven't seen for a while. *wave*

I think this is probably the first request. I haven't ever looked at it so I have no idea what would be involved. There are vB 4 importers available, so I'm not sure if that would potentially work (or restoring to a back up with it?).

Epic reply! haha!
If you converted to vB5 at this stage, well i'd say it's a community suicide to even consider moving to anything else afterwards.

I wouldn't bother with vB5 until it actually goes gold...
Epic reply! haha!
If you converted to vB5 at this stage, well i'd say it's a community suicide to even consider moving to anything else afterwards.

I wouldn't bother with vB5 until it actually goes gold...

They actually have declared it a "gold" release now, bugs, missing features and all. My users are begging for a way back.

I just purchased my XenForo license, so getting my forums posts moved over is my next step.
Doesn't vB5 have a weird DB structure too where all content (no matter what it is) is stored in a single table? I seem to remember reading that somewhere. Writing an importer for that mess would cause real headaches.
Doesn't vB5 have a weird DB structure too where all content (no matter what it is) is stored in a single table? I seem to remember reading that somewhere. Writing an importer for that mess would cause real headaches.

Yes, that is the issue. Everything has been renamed (forums are channels and threads/posts are nodes).
Doesn't vB5 have a weird DB structure too where all content (no matter what it is) is stored in a single table? I seem to remember reading that somewhere. Writing an importer for that mess would cause real headaches.

Sounds like someone at vB has spent too much time playing with WordPress.

One table for all types of content has its advantages - since most types of content do share a lot of the same core attributes, but it can make things much more complicated too.

WordPress has all core attributes in one table, then all extended attributes reside in a related "meta" table which has almost no structure (most content-specific meta is stored in serialized form in one column).
Sounds like someone at vB has spent too much time playing with WordPress.

One table for all types of content has its advantages - since most types of content do share a lot of the same core attributes, but it can make things much more complicated too.

WordPress has all core attributes in one table, then all extended attributes reside in a related "meta" table which has almost no structure (most content-specific meta is stored in serialized form in one column).

Yes it looks as if that is what they intended to do. I checked and they still have the traditional post table, but all posts have nodes with the 'generic' attributes for the content. I can understand the reasons behind it, just makes the conversion process that much more difficult.
I really can't think of anyone running vb5 on a live site

Well I know of one... Mine!

I was able to get XenForo installed, and was very successful with getting an old backup of my forums from November 2012 converted for testing, feel free to check it out:

Next I think I am going to see about updating the converter to support vb5, depending on the feedback I get from my users.
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