Conversation search plus

Conversation search plus [Paid] 3.6

No permission to buy ($35.00)


Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Conversation search plus - Allows searching all conversations.

Premium upgrade:

This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $25.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:

Note: all my XF1 add-ons are still 100% free and are supported by donations.


Allows searching all conversations.

This add-on is designed for admins to...

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Thanks for the addon, but it seems permissions are not correct even after enabling them in user group.

Maybe due to Line 30 of ConversationSearchPlus.php

if (!$visitor->hasPermission('conversationSearch', 'view'))
changing to:
if (!$visitor->hasPermission('conversationSearchPlus', 'view'))

seems to allow searching now.
Please add pagination.
It's not comfortable to read or even just to load a conversation with lots of replies/pages.
I think it's still lack of a major feature

If there is "Posted by", then it should be another "Received By"

Here is an example:
TesterA sent a message to TesterB

I used "Posted by" and filled "TesterB" and hit Submit button -> no result, there is no message from TesterA sent to TesterB, you should add it, or define the way of searching, display both message "received and posted by"
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