Conversation Essentials

Conversation Essentials [Paid] 1.14.1

No permission to buy ($45.00)
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Prefixes aren't appearing on our UI.X theme. They show up inside the conversation, and they function, but when looking at the conversation listing you can't actually see them. It does work on the default Xenforo theme.

Any help would be appreciated!


  • prefix default.webp
    prefix default.webp
    17.2 KB · Views: 3
  • prefix uix.webp
    prefix uix.webp
    16.1 KB · Views: 3
Xon updated Conversation Essentials with a new update entry:

1.12.17 - Maintenance Update

  • Add missing convessTab style property which wasn't correctly linked up since v1.6.0
  • Improve theme compatibility when injecting conversation options into navigation_visitor_tab
    • Moves code out of template modification and into a new navigation_visitor_tab_convess template.
    • Is not directly compatible with UIX's "uix_visitorTabsToUserBar" setting, but enables easily adding a template modification to inject the "navigation_visitor_tab_convess" template into the right...

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Xon where can I change the "Leave" that is displayed. I want it to read "delete". I tried the phrase convess_leave but it didn't do anything that I could find.
@Xon where can I change the "Leave" that is displayed. I want it to read "delete". I tried the phrase convess_leave but it didn't do anything that I could find.
It uses the convess_leave phrase, try disabling/enabling the template modification "Leave link on conversation index" to force it to re-apply.
This addon is stopping me from upgrading to xf2 beta:

Conflicts with the following third-party add-ons have been detected:
Conversation Improvements by Xon
Upgrading XenForo is not possible until these conflicts have been resolved. Resolving these errors will generally require you to restore the XenForo files from your previous version and uninstall the conflicting add-on or upgrade it to a non-conflicting version. The add-on author may have more specific advice as to the steps you can take.

I don't know why I should get this error as the addon was uninstalled prior to the upgrade (and the files removed)
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@Mr Lucky please install the latest Conversation Improvements 1.3.8, some old migration code in Conversation Essentials added that column with the assumption you'ld use Conversation Improvements.

On upgrading to XF2, you will then be able to keep all your conversation likes.
@Mr Lucky please install the latest Conversation Improvements 1.3.8, some old migration code in Conversation Essentials added that column with the assumption you'ld use Conversation Improvements.

On upgrading to XF2, you will then be able to keep all your conversation likes.

I don't know what you mean. We don't have any conversation likes. I would also prefer not to install any more addons. Can you not just make it so Conversation Essentials uninstalls properly?

Why install another addon, this makes no sense.
I don't know what you mean. We don't have any conversation likes. I would also prefer not to install any more addons. Can you not just make it so Conversation Essentials uninstalls properly?

Why install another addon, this makes no sense.
Because responsibilities for Likes was migrated to Conversation Improvements, as such Conversation Essentials can't touch them without risking dataloss.

It was documented in the upgrade process, perhaps not well but frankly it isn't a hard to cleanup the columns.

Run the following queries from an XF 1.x setup before attempting to upgrade to XF2:
ALTER TABLE xf_conversation_message DROP like_users;
ALTER TABLE xf_conversation_message DROP likes;
ALTER TABLE xf_conversation_message DROP _likes;
Some might error but that is ok.
Run the following queries from an XF 1.x setup before attempting to upgrade to XF2:

When does this need to be run? Is this only if one has not installed Conv Improvements and ran that process to move the Conv Likes away from Conv Essentials?
When does this need to be run? Is this only if one has not installed Conv Improvements and ran that process to move the Conv Likes away from Conv Essentials?
You'ld still need to remove the old table manually, and XF2 will still rebuild conversation information. It isn't that huge a deal.
Because responsibilities for Likes was migrated to Conversation Improvements, as such Conversation Essentials can't touch them without risking dataloss.

It was documented in the upgrade process, perhaps not well but frankly it isn't a hard to cleanup the columns.

Run the following queries from an XF 1.x setup before attempting to upgrade to XF2:
ALTER TABLE xf_conversation_message DROP like_users;
ALTER TABLE xf_conversation_message DROP likes;
ALTER TABLE xf_conversation_message DROP _likes;
Some might error but that is ok.
When does this need to be run? Is this only if one has not installed Conv Improvements and ran that process to move the Conv Likes away from Conv Essentials?
You'ld still need to remove the old table manually, and XF2 will still rebuild conversation information. It isn't that huge a deal.
Which table is this? Is this something in addition to the queries you mentioned above?

@Xon could you please add info in thread of addon and in addon FAQ (for XF1 and XF2 version), should we before upgrade to XF2 do some queries to drop some tables.

That info will help us a lot.
So, when I decide to upgrade to XF2 I can take a look at all your addons which I have installed (and that is a lot) on my forum, and I can execute queries before upgrade to XF to XF2.

Thank you
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