Conversation Email Limiter

Conversation Email Limiter [Paid] 1.0.0

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Don't know if it is possible but would be great if you don't recieve mails when online. When in active conversation you still have to remove a lot of mails.

Same for watched threads would be nice :p But that is something different.
Interesting idea, although I suspect it would be very difficult to implement and, in my opinion, beyond the scope of this add-on.

It would be ideal behavior from XenForo, though, because I've experienced exactly what you are talking about so many times. This add-on does, at least, help reduce this problem somewhat.
Interesting idea, although I suspect it would be very difficult to implement and, in my opinion, beyond the scope of this add-on.

It would be ideal behavior from XenForo, though, because I've experienced exactly what you are talking about so many times. This add-on does, at least, help reduce this problem somewhat.

Indeed, a lot of people turn of recieving emails from alerts (conversation and watched threads) because of the bulk of mails they get from it.

When you are on the forum you see the alerts, so why also a mail for it. On the other hand you have people that choose to stay logged in, but on our forum there are vitrually none that do that. And even then this are active members that would check the forum next day (else they would not choose to stay logged in).

Maybe , but i am not a coder, you could check if a member is logged in and set only to send mails when logged out. But could also be very difficult to do :p or take a lot of recourses.
If you mean not even receiving the single email for each unread conversation while online then that should be straightforward enough to do.
How would it be determined if the user is "online", though?

Checking the user's activity status in XenForo would not be sufficient, would it? For example, imagine a user replies to a conversation, then closes the site. With a (typical) session expiration time of 30 minutes, they will be considered "online" for the next half hour — more than enough time for someone to reply to their message. The plugin would still see the user as "online" and would not trigger an email notification.

In this scenario, the user would never know they received a reply until they visited the forum again, and a lot of messages could be missed forever.

The only way to verify that a user is actively viewing a website is to check that they are interacting with the page, either by typing, scrolling, or moving their cursor around. Otherwise, you have no guarantee that they are actively looking at the forum.
How would it be determined if the user is "online", though?
Personally I would check for activity on the site within the last X minutes.
Even if this is set to one minute there is always a chance someone will reply to a conversation the second you've become inactive.
Not sure what the perfect solution is but if you are swamped with emails then surely missing a few while inactive for a few minutes is better than receiving them all.
At any rate, just my opinion on the matter. Xon will have to decide whether this is feasible, worthwhile, or even if he has the time for this.
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