
Well I've found that CT does take a bit of time to get used to. I learned it over 2 days. It lacks a manual to guide you around it.
But the developer Philipp is very good indeed - patiently answered all my many questions on his XF forum.

You can see how I'm doing with it on my forum
See link to Library on the navbar.

Here's my assessment do far.
30 days free trial period to get it comfortable.

Installation is good; good instructions.
Integration with XF is OK - it worked straight away. The instructions on how to set it up are good. (See "Manage Forum Integration" in the Main admin menu block. You can also enter the data for this during the installation.
What this does is make the CT work from the same user registrations, and moderators, and it places a "Forums" tab at the top of the CT pages.
You have to add a tab on the forum pages to link to CT. Instructions by Brogan here

I also have a custom sidebar both on XF and my CT "Library" for navigation which looks the same. It has a link to both forums and CT "Library" on it.
Developer has been delayed producing an XF theme due to illness but it is promised soon. I managed to get a fairly good match. Still working on it. Design controls are very detailed.

There are a lot of different modules and it is best to set up just one or two at first. Otherwise it's confusing. There are many useful functions - e.g. "Content" = single pages which can include forms; and Articles paginate.

To integrate with the XF node tree for selected CT pages, use the XF forum redirect to point to the CT page URL.

Entering content can be done either in blockcode or in bbcode, the same tinyMice editor as on XF. But to do bbcode you have to enable it for each component. This can be done quickly for all, by using the Search on admin which is very good.

It looks like you can duplicate an existing module and then customise it. I haven't quite got that working yet.

Phrases are not yet separated from the templates but Philipp says he's working on that.

Over all I'd say this is excellent software. It has a lot of modules/ components and very detailed design controls. I love the way discussion can be linked to a selected forum, but you can just have the blog style comments instead if preferred. Forum comments duplicate on the Article page anyway.

It needs a manual to describe the basics of setting the header logo, background colours, what each module does, creating a sidebar. It is all there on the forum due to Phillip's answers but much better all together. (If I was time rich and cash poor I'd offer the developer a deal to write it for him based on my experience and the forum posts in return for a free CT)
It needs an instant XF theme. This can be done but it's fiddly.
It needs separated Phrases.

I would also like to see a budget version of CT offering one module only - either Articles or News. The price is very fair for what you get but it's way beyond what a lot of admins can afford. If you could buy a limited version and then upgrade later I think this would help everyone including the developer.
Does contentteller integrate articles into the Xenforo search system? Are there now two search databases users must use? Also does contentteller have a paid membership option and work with payment gateways like or Can I use it to run a paid membership site?
My test site is HERE now, if you want to take a look, but bear in mind (a) there's loads yet to do, (b) I want to get the content loaded & it functioning before worrying too much about design & a proper CT/XF style
Hello DoctorWatsOn:
Looks like you didn't keep using Contentteller.
vB for articles:
xF for forums:

Any reasons why you stopped using Contentteller ?
Does contentteller integrate articles into the Xenforo search system?
I'll say unlikely. Integrated search is difficult to do.
The only CMS + Forum combo I've seen with that is phpBB3 + Joomla using to assimilate the two.
Has anyone used contentteller? Is this still a viable CMS? This thread is over a year old, I'm just wondering whatever happened to it and what other CMS solutions might be available.
It was m e that started the Contentteller ... I found it very good in some ways but as always compared to XF the admin is so awkward and clumsy. I'm sure I would have written in about it and why I gave up if you explore this thread.

Also it's a pain to work with two admin systems, two systems of design - keep matching two areas that have very different operations on the backend. Not Contentteller's fault this issue but it does argue for XF and its addons.
I now use Library by waindigo for my content pages. There are lots of other addons you can look at for cms functions, including sidebar, display content on front page etc.
Hello DoctorWatsOn:
Looks like you didn't keep using Contentteller.
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