Comments in Posts

Do you want Comments in Posts ?

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I think this thread highlights most people don't really want Comments in Posts as a prominent feature.

I need can use it for a special thing on my site.
so we have 60 some paged vB5 bash thread, with screen shots saying about how they're copying XF software or whatever.. ironically, now posting screens of their stuff for "ideas" to use in XF.. lmfao. :p Just razzing bro... But like some others said though, comments in posts would be clutter and confusing I think. XF isn't social network script... and I thought people were unhappy with IB for trying to intergrate twitter, facebook, and other social scripts into its "forum software".. now it's like people are changing stories by wanting it in XF.. >_> Comments or whatever is better left in media gallery/user albums and etc. If commenting on posts were there, wouldn't that require one or two more database queries to load page too...? lol. :p

I doubt xf will ever take comments in posts and implement them, xf is better than this, xf does not entice confusion, clutter and somewhat taking 1 step forward and 10 steps backwards. The comments in posts is just a gimmick to be different but when applied to the web (specifically for forums) it's just not practical. Not only does it fail, it fails miserably to the point it makes you cringe and want to cower in the corner from the potential fragmentation/clutter/confusion comments within posts would pose.
I doubt xf will ever take comments in posts and implement them, xf is better than this, xf does not entice confusion, clutter and somewhat taking 1 step forward and 10 steps backwards. The comments in posts is just a gimmick to be different but when applied to the web (specifically for forums) it's just not practical. Not only does it fail, it fails miserably to the point it makes you cringe and want to cower in the corner from the potential fragmentation/clutter/confusion comments within posts would pose.

Shelly's statement is completely true with merit. Having seen the vBulletin 5 implementation and conception, not only is it a distraction, but it brings absolute chaos. posting screens of their stuff for "ideas" to use in XF.
Comments in Posts have been around for a long time.
Long before vB5.
I only make fun of vB copying Xenforo .... because vB is suing Xenforo for allegedly stealing /copying "trade secrets".

Not to mention, I have been discussing comments in posts for years, well before vB5 had them.
Comments within posts pretty much takes us back 15+ years when threaded forums were the standard (which I personally always hated)!


I could see it being potentially beneficial IF:

1. There was a strict and small CHARACTER LIMIT. Used mainly to enhance a like/dislike/+1/-1/reputation system.


2. There was a strict TIME LIMIT. If you could set it up so that these types of post comments were possible only for a specific amount of time (thus avoiding breaks in the space/time continuum .. lol) then you could still enjoy the benefits of not having an overload of short useless "+1" type posts without the usual negatives that most people hate about the ancient "threaded" type forums. Better yet would be a TIME LIMIT option to stop allowing "post comments" as soon as (or shortly after) another regular "post" reply is made!

As long as BOTH 1 and 2 were actual options then I would definitely consider it .. but if either one or the other was not at least an option then I would be a definite no! ;)
I can see his being loved in rpg communities for ooc chatter on an ic thread. even for forum contests, easy way to keep track of votes. If this is added it should be a node option, not forum wide in my opinion .
One twist that could be interesting would be that very short posts would *automatically* embed into the post being replied to.
It would get rid of posts like this ... (ie. super big quotes that only add a small amount of content).


We've discussed this before.

RvG brought it up :

I see that vBulletin 5 has this feature.

vBulletin has always had a mod that does this: Reputation comment in post - karma for 3.5.


Here is an example of vBulletin 5 comments in posts.

I think a major benefit of comments on ("in") posts is that if people just want to comment on a small aspect of a post ... they can just add their 2 cents without junking up the thread with "Great Job", etc.

To me, comments in Posts will allow people to comment, without sprawling a thread over more and more pages.
The other benefit of automatically embedding short posts vs. comments in posts is .... you don't need a Comment Link junking things up !
Another idea for comments in posts.

Inspired by the LOL thread.

Replies with quotes are automatically added as comments to the original post.
Replies with quotes are automatically added as comments to the original post, unless they contain a new image.
That's from the vB5 demo ... check out the URL in my post. I resized the window.

Ah it's an image they're using. Might be bothersome using scanlines if there's multiple quotes whilst scrolling as you get this pulsating effect that is a killer on the eyes. I would have just went with background-color myself keep it simple.

Almost the entire reason for having "Comments in Posts" is to reduce fragmentation.
You comment on a post .. in the post .. so you don't clutter up the entire thread.
I think it could make threads more readable.
And I think it could help reduce thread sprawl (where a thread gets too long with short useless replies).

Time will tell if this feature for vBulletin is a success or not. It is a VERY prominent feature of vBulletin 5.

It has pitfalls though on the vB5 demo site. For instance, if you click latest (replies), you don't get linked directly back to a last post made (in another post) for reading. It's flawed, and you cannot know what was said in the last post made on forum because of it, if the post was in reply to another post.
If you look at forum threads listed here:

You can see they don't display a last post link for each thread listed under off topic discussion. They don't because it doesn't work, not if the last post happens to be (inside another post) left as a comment. I noticed it ages ago, it very user unfriendly.

And take a look at this thread:

If you look at comments left inside other posts, the numbers like "#5.1, #5.2, #5.3". They are not anchor links when you hover your mouse over comment numbers. So they can't be linked directly back to as last comment left in that thread.

I'm seeing anchor links for separate posts in a thread are not working either, and with FireFox if clicking one I'm getting javascript error.
vB5 admin said:

You know, at first I was skeptical about commenting in posts as well. I found it useless. I mean, why commenting if you can reply as well? Then, we went live with our forums and started actively using it every day. We managed to work out a great way of commenting where I started to love this feature. For instance, a topic where you post screenshots. Instead of going severely offtopic. you comment on this specific post with the screenshot while the page remains clean with images, instead of offtopic posts all the time.

I guess my explanation is abit off here, but hey you get the point.

Note: in vB5, you can't comment on the first post. Weird.
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