XF 2.2 Code for shadowing content area


Active member
Would anyone be able to suggest a code to shadow the left and right side of the content area.

If you look at THIS THREAD I think you will see what I'm referring to, but I don't think the information in that thread will work in the current version.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)
Something like this added to the extra.less template may work, depending on your style and how it's set up.

    box-shadow: 0 0 10px #999;

You can adjust the size and colour by editing the values.
Thank you @Brogan On all views please. I'm probably not explaining myself very well. But so that the middle 'strip' of the site is always shadowed against the outside left and right plain background on which the site sits. Hoping I'm making sense?
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Something like this added to the extra.less template may work, depending on your style and how it's set up.

    box-shadow: 0 0 10px #999;

You can adjust the size and colour by editing the values.
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