CMF Threads - Thread Tweaks and Nested Comments [Deleted]

@Yoskaldyr I'm unable to install this, when importing the XML I get timed out. (Cloudflare 504)

Edit: there's 1 million+ posts, maybe this is why it crashes?
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@Solidus I think this is a Cloudflare timeouts configuration issue. Cloudflare throws an error while installation process still does.
Slow execution of the initial stage of installation may be because of some database configuration issues (slow altering tables). On installation phase only a few ALTER queries are executed. And these queries run well and relatively fast even on a large forums (5M+ posts).

To resolve this issue you can run these queries manually from command line or from any mysql client, comment it in the Install.php file and run installation again.
Yes, I notice that some columns are added. (nested_comments, cmf_threads)

Could you message me at your site with direct instructions so I don't mess this up? Same username as here.
This message keeps re-appearing in the admin panel,
You have to complete rebuild process.
I've completed it many times.
Maybe some addon compatibility issues. Do you have any errors in the admin cp error log ?
You can to disable my add-on and try to rebuild again (usually it takes a lot of time on big forums). If rebuild process completes quickly than problem is with one of other installed add-ons.
But for the correct work of the my add-on you have to complete rebuild with my add-on enabled.

Also, how can I get post ratings to work in profile post layout?
You have to add all template modifications from ratings add-on to the message_simple template (by default all add-ons modify only message template)
I don't see "Reply", "Quote" etc in message_simple template. Where does it pull this from?

There were no errors in the log, but the message seems to not come back now.
I don't see "Reply", "Quote" etc in message_simple template. Where does it pull this from?
By default `message` and `message_simple` templates are the base templates have been included in `post`, `conversation_message`, `profile_post` and other templates.
All control buttons usually defined in the outer templates (`post` ...) and sent to the main templates (`message` ...) by variable $messageAfterTemplate
I do not know how Ratings add-on extends templates. My add-on just modifies template includes in the `post` template and $messageAfterTemplate stay as-is without modification.

There were no errors in the log, but the message seems to not come back now.
It is good. But post rebuilding process must be completed with my add-on enabled to proper working.
Is the Branding Free option good for only 1 year? What does a lifetime Branding Free option cost?

Are comments considered posts and searchable, i.e. are comments saved as posts in the xf_post table? It appears that they are, or at least it is settable in the add on options.
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I've got an odd problem and to make it worse its intermittent. I have had sporadic complaints but could not reproduce them. Finally its happened to me. The complaint is always the same and its coming from different forums, different threads, different users.

The comment on a post, sometimes with a long comment but not always. Hit enter to accept the comment and then an error message that says:
Your comment must be 255 characters or more...(there is more but it does not stay on the screen). The comment then disappears--you lose everything that you have written. I have been trying to reproduce it but nothing seems to work.

have you or anyone else, ever seen this? It only happens in the comments, never on a full response in a thread. Any ideas what is going on?

Sure. it seems to come in waves. And today I received some reports on this with a screen capture! This is one of the issues we have been seeuing. The other one is the 255 character message. Here you go:savvy-error-msg.webp
@leslie dow This error can appear when trying to post an empty message. But it is a standard XenForo error.
Do you have any other add-ons that extend xenforo posting? Because it looks like an incompatibility issues with other add-on.
The only other one I have is TinyMCE Quattro. This only started happening after I installed your addon. could there be a inconsistency between yours and TinyMCE? That one is pretty widely used, I think.


__one more thing, I am running UI.X and an Audentio theme (reneue) I've not seen other issues but just in case. Thanks!
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Oh and the message was not empty at all. What happens is that when you hit post, the message disappears and this error is thrown or the other error that says the message is too short is thrown.
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