CMF Threads - Thread Tweaks and Nested Comments [Deleted]

@PointCloud Add-on uses standard xenforo templates (post, message, message_simple, message.css, message_simple.css), a few own templates (all templates with cmf_thread prefix) and some template modifications.
Just for understanding - if i comment the 1. Post on a Thread it creates always a normal, regular Posting, if i comment later Posts in a Thread the appear as comments correctly ?
Just for understanding - if i comment the 1. Post on a Thread it creates always a normal, regular Posting, if i comment later Posts in a Thread the appear as comments correctly ?
Not exactly.
It you are using this add-on like post commenting add-on that answer is yes.
My add-on adds tree view for the threads. And in this tree view a first post of the thread is a main node of the tree (root node).
Replying to a thread is equal to commenting of a first post of the thread.

Maybe in the next version of the add-on I will add ability to separate comments of the first post from the thread replies.
Yes i use it primary for commenting Posts.
I understand, thanks - will wait for a further Version of this addon :)
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...and one other Thing. If i comment a post in Thread (in the middle of a thread) the comment appears after directly under all Posts of that page, after i reload the thread page the comment is correctly oriented. But this i think will be little confusing for users, because it Looks that the comments directly after posting it is attached to the wrong post...
...and one other Thing. If i comment a post in Thread (in the middle of a thread) the comment appears after directly under all Posts of that page, after i reload the thread page the comment is correctly oriented. But this i think will be little confusing for users, because it Looks that the comments directly after posting it is attached to the wrong post...
that is not correct behavior. It is definitely bug of your installation - maybe incompatibility issues with other add-ons or with your customized templates.
You can look to a proper behavior of the add-on at the demo forum.

P.S. Have you rebuilt a post counters after add-on installation?
Yes, rebuild was done. But i looked into and found after disable some addons the CMF Threads addon remains back to work corretly.
Looks there are other addons conflicting - will try to find out the conflicts in Detail.
Hi Yoskaldyr,

Just want to ask if there's a way to display user title for profile post postbit type for nested posts? The default postbit type does this but it's kind of too big.

Ideally I want to user titles for small avatars (profile post postbit type) in our thread:

Best Regards,

Hi there, I purchased this add on today however I am unable to install it on my server. When I try to install it I get a NGINX 405 Not Allowed error message.

Please advise. Thanks!
With the error it does appear it actually installed.

However when I try rebuilding the index it starts and gets through about 100,000 threads and then throws the following error. "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in /home/satguys/public_html/xen/library/CMF/Thread/Model/Extend/Post.php on line 453"

I have had to disable it for now.
However when I try rebuilding the index it starts and gets through about 100,000 threads and then throws the following error. "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in /home/satguys/public_html/xen/library/CMF/Thread/Model/Extend/Post.php on line 453"
You server configuration is not enough for rebuilding 250 threads in the one batch (default value) in 2 minutes.
I have had to disable it for now.
You have to enable add-on again. And start thread counter rebuild again with decreased "Items to process per page:" value. It will help you.
With the error it does appear it actually installed.
Your server definitely has some issues with configuration. Because on installation process my add-on does only small database modifications. These modifications usually run a few seconds and do not run longer than execution time limit on your server (120 sec). And if such database modifications run longer that you may have a problems with any add-ons that alter database tables.
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@Arvin, All can be done with template edits
you can add this code in message_simple template
<xen:if is="{$message.postbitType}"><xen:if hascontent="true"><em class="userTitle" itemprop="title"><xen:contentcheck>{xen:helper userTitle, $message, 1, 1}</xen:contentcheck></em></xen:if></xen:if>
right after
       <xen:if is="{$messagePosterHtml}">
         {xen:raw $messagePosterHtml}
       <xen:else />
         <xen:username user="$message" class="poster" rich="true" />
@Arvin, All can be done with template edits
you can add this code in message_simple template
<xen:if is="{$message.postbitType}"><xen:if hascontent="true"><em class="userTitle" itemprop="title"><xen:contentcheck>{xen:helper userTitle, $message, 1, 1}</xen:contentcheck></em></xen:if></xen:if>
right after
       <xen:if is="{$messagePosterHtml}">
         {xen:raw $messagePosterHtml}
       <xen:else />
         <xen:username user="$message" class="poster" rich="true" />

Hi @Yoskaldyr I couldn't find that line of code in my message_simple template..

Here's the entire code in my message_simple template:

<xen:require css="message_simple.css" />
<xen:require css="bb_code.css" />

<li id="{$messageId}" class="primaryContent messageSimple {xen:if $message.isDeleted, 'deleted'} {xen:if '{$message.is_staff}', 'staff'} {xen:if $message.isIgnored, ignored}" data-author="{$message.username}">

    <xen:avatar user="$message" size="s" img="true" />
    <div class="messageInfo">
        <xen:if hascontent="true">
            <ul class="messageNotices">
                    <xen:hook name="message_simple_notices" params="{xen:array 'message={$message}'}">
                        <xen:if is="{$message.warning_message}">
                            <li class="warningNotice"><span class="icon Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase warning}" data-tipclass="iconTip flipped"></span>{$message.warning_message}</li>
                        <xen:if is="{$message.isDeleted}">
                            <li class="deletedNotice"><span class="icon Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase deleted}" data-tipclass="iconTip flipped"></span>{xen:phrase this_message_has_been_removed_from_public_view}</li>
                        <xen:elseif is="{$message.isModerated}" />
                            <li class="moderatedNotice"><span class="icon Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase awaiting_moderation}" data-tipclass="iconTip flipped"></span>{xen:phrase this_message_is_awaiting_moderator_approval_and_is_invisible_to_normal}</li>
                        <xen:if is="{$message.isIgnored}">
                            <li>{xen:phrase you_are_ignoring_content_by_this_member} <a href="javascript:" class="jsOnly DisplayIgnoredContent">{xen:phrase show_ignored_content}</a></li>

        <div class="messageContent">
            <xen:username user="$message" class="poster" rich="true" />
            <article><blockquote class="ugc baseHtml{xen:if $message.isIgnored, ' ignored'}">{xen:helper bodyText, $message.message}</blockquote></article>

        {xen:raw $messageAfterTemplate}

Please let me know if I'm missing something...

Thank you so much!
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