CMF HTML Feed - Fetch and Parse External Content [Deleted]

Hello sir, I have a question about this feeder add-on.

#1 Does your feeder add-on import the code for embeded video as well?

The RSS Link i have from another website has embeded video in it, the code is iframe code
i want to import everything in the rss link, the problem is at the moment xenforo doesn't import video link iframe

If the feeder is able to import the iframe link into the post, then xenforo will turn it into a video because i added the website in the: BB Code Media Sites

Is it possible with your add-on?


#2 Can you import feeds into existing threads?

I can send you my rss link example.

thank you sir!!
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#1 Does your feeder add-on import the code for embeded video as well?

The RSS Link i have from another website has embeded video in it, the code is iframe code
i want to import everything in the rss link, the problem is at the moment xenforo doesn't import video link iframe

If the feeder is able to import the iframe link into the post, then xenforo will turn it into a video because i added the website in the: BB Code Media Sites

Is it possible with your add-on?
Yes. It is possible, but you have to select all fields manually from xml by css or xpath selectors and use regular expression after that to parse only video url. Or you can use php-callback to parse any other data and save as variables, usable in message/title template.

#2 Can you import feeds into existing threads?

Nor exactly like on this screenshot. But add-on can add posts if thread with sane title in this node already exists
ahh it sounds very complicated, i am only beginner,

i will send you message in your forum about my rss link in your website,

if you can help me, i will buy this add-on

thank you sir!!
Another Suggestion:

Add a Usergroup Permission and Front Panel:


The reason is:

Some members want me to add there rss feeds for their website.

I am tried of everyone asking me. It would be easier if they could add their own rss feeds for their website.

Here is an example i made:

As you can see here, Members who have permissions, can add their own feeds and view their own exisitng feeds
User Add Own Feed.webp

Here is the screen, where memebers will add their own feeds.

and have admin option that allow, 1 thread per rss feed,

Member can add the url for feeds,
Fetch is set at 24 Hours by admin, so it is not every 30 minutes, or members will abuse this settings

Member can add feed to existing thread, or new thead, in any forum

This would be an excellent new feature!! Especially for blogs, many members want to advertise their website but don't want to post everyday, so they want to use the feed,

maybe not allow members to import and use html, i heard it can be dangerous,

letting members use the feeder and an excellent idea!!
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@joey_tbf I can configure for you one extended feed for free on condition that the parsing of the feed does not need any additional php-callbacks.
CMF_HtmlFeed add-on created for users who familiar with the content parsing by css or xpath selectors.

Some members want me to add there rss feeds for their website.
I can create add-on for user rss feeds. But it will be a separate add-on. Functionality of this add-on cannot be allowed to general forum users.
A few questions : can I use this addon to import a HTML version of a forum ? Including users & avatars?
Can I import HTML articles into AMS? Including the categories?
ahhhh it seems so complicated,

i really want this add-on but i feel scared to buy it, if im not able to do it myself, then i probably won't use,
and i dont have the money to pay everytime i want a new feed, after you give the first one free,

i feel too intimidated,

i don't even know where to start with my first feed,

i guess its not really a feed, i have to get all of the html and put it in settings,

<category domain=""></category>
<img src=
Format: mp4<br /> Duration: 21:29<br /> Video: 960x540, AVC <iframe src=" </iframe>
<img src=" />
<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>



its too hard, i give up i cant do it

i will wait until it is easier to use for beginners, i guess :(

please make this add-on easier for beginners!!!

tank you sir!!
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A few questions : can I use this addon to import a HTML version of a forum ? Including users & avatars?
Yes, but with using of additional php callbacks (big and fat callbacks for parsing users, avatars, etc.) Size of code for this callbacks will be larger that code of the this add-on :)
Parsing and saving as posts from guest is possible without callbacks. But forum structure you must prepare manually by self.

Can I import HTML articles into AMS? Including the categories?
AMS? What is it?

@joey_tbf, I understand that the add-on not for beginners. But it is impossible to do a universal parser add-on for beginners.
If somebodies want to parse html page they must know css or regular expressions. And these skills are not programming skills, but html/css/markup specific skills.
I'm not asking for buy the add-on. I'm explaining why this add-on has been written.
@Alfa1 Because I don't have this add-on I don't know how it works. But with small php-callback it is possible to parse content into showcase entries.
AMS uses the same framework as Showcase so this should be possible. I will get back to you about AMS access.
@Bob My add-on can save any content by using save callbacks.
But I don't know what how you realize this feature:
It has RSS Feed parsing.
It extends or it is separate from xenforo feed parser.

P.S. I think I will add in the next versions more features like out-of-box compatibility with XenForo Media Gallery, XenForo Resource Manager, Showcase, AMS and maybe other popular add-ons.
I will be difficult to extend both parsers for new features. But i think it will be possible to use a standard xenforo parser with my add-on for creating AMS entries.
what ever is easiest for you :) If you need to to change anything in AMS, just let me know (just post in our convo)
This will be a really nice enhancement to AMS!
I hope this will allow me to import all my HTML pages into AMS. One thing that I will need to solve is to import the categories as well so that I can keep the correct categories tree structure.
@Yoskaldyr do you have a suggestion for this?
@Kintaro, image can be embedded as-is, or downloaded and attached to the post. But image can not be converted to the attachment and replaced by this attachment in the text.
But you can use any addon that converts img bbcodes to the attach bbcodes (Metamirror for example)
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