Clicking on forum category: New page vs scrolling



I'd like to ask about what happens when clicking on a "category".

For instance ...

I got to

I click on the category called "XenForo Community Support"

The page scrolls up so that "XenForo Community Support" is now at the top of the page.
The URL is now

In contrast ....

I got to a XenForo installation at
(chosen at random by Googling for XenForo sites)

I click on the category called "Official BrightFort Forum"

... and am taken to

... which is a new page.

Question: Why do these two sites behave differently when clicking on a category?

I prefer the click category >> new page behaviour.

Is that easy to configure?

Thanks for your assistance.

Best Wishes,

Melbourne, Australia
Okay, here's how it's done (in case others find it useful) ...

Log in to Admin, of course.

Click "Options" (either from the square images in the middle, or from the left-hand column links)

A list of items is displayed.

Click on "Node & Forum List".

Now click the checkbox labelled "Create Pages for Categories".

Note: This link/checkbox explains: "When enabled, clicking on a link to a category will take you to a dedicated page that only shows the children of that category. When disabled, users will be redirected to the full forum list and scrolled to the correct category."​

Finally, "Save Changes".​

Most of us are aware of how it's done.. there is just the habit of not providing support related answers in an open area like this since unlicensed persons frequently post in them for support and for the rest of us (non-staff) it is difficult to discern who is and isn't licensed.... ergo the generic "yes, it is an option" responses. ;)
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