Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

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@Siropu Everytime I access the chat page now it says "Cyb3r has joined the room" and count me as an active member while I want only to check who's in the chat, this wasn't happening before 1.22.1 I think. How can I disable this?

Instructions say: There is also a mode called Full Page Mode which allows you to embed the chat using an iframe. To use it, you just need to add /fullpage to the end of the chat page URL.
Where would you add the /fullpage?

2. For Display Mode, I have Chat Page Only checked. How do I get the notification line turned off on the bottom of the other pages? I do not need to see last message; and do not need the 'toggle' in button right either.

Thanks this all looks great so far!
Great update, as always. :P

I was wondering, is there any plans to make notification preferences user specific, as opposed to global? I personally like notifications from all members, but some would prefer what the default is currently (whisper and tag).

Ever since the latest update that added multi-room, duplicate messages have been a real problem. Sometimes a message is duplicated 7 times on a user's screen, and sometimes only twice. Refreshing does make this go away, so it is probably a JS issue. This still occurs even after the latest update which was supposed to fixed the issue. It is really annoying to myself and my members.
Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 11.44.34 PM.webp
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The chat seems to have a problem with whisper. If someone whisper to an other user, an uninvolved user can see the message and an php error appears:

Template Errors: siropu_chat

    htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/xenforo/library/XenForo/Template/Abstract.php(265) : eval()'d code, line 906:

    905: '1' => ', '
    906: )) . '">' . (($message['class'] == ('siropuChatWhisperPolice')) ? ('(' . 'Flüstert zu' . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($message['message_recipients'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ')') : ('(Flüstert)')) . '</i></span> ') : (''));
    907: $__compilerVar7 .= $__compilerVar8;

Ok, you're right. But the php error is still a problem, because a chat moderator should see all whisper messages. So it seems that this function is a little buggy.
@Siropu thanks for the notifications options added.

The only thing that i would wish it could work better to me, is really the users who get hidden due inactivity, users who have the chat open but will disappear if they don't chat for a while, making the room appear empty sometimes when there's several people around. It shouldn't behave like this really, as it still is refreshing the session, it should keep the user on the chatters list if it's still refreshing his session. ^^
@mauzao9, the session only gets updated when you post. You could set a higher value for "Hide users after x minutes of inactivity".
That's what i tried, but then we have offline users still on chat, over current set 30min. It's mostly because the chat does get empty sometimes with +5 +people reading it just not chatting, then they leave because they think nobody is there to chat with, so both ways have downsides for me.
I might add an option for chat page to update session if the user session expired and user is still active on page. We'll see.
Siropu, when creating a bot message, does it use my set timezone or the server/site timezone?
Also, bug with bot messages.. Set for this date,


But displays this,

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