Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
@Siropu I installed the chat today, I must say it is awesome to integrate and very slick. (y)

Unfortunately there is a BUG with UI.X: In UI.X, the sidebar widget integration with Siropu Chat does not work properly:
  • When the editor form field is clicked (focus), the editor buttons do not appear.
  • When hitting "Return" or the "+" to send the message, nothing happens at all...
This only happens while the chat form is in the sidebar – if I change the layout option to "Above Forum" or if it is in its own chat page for example, it works as expected.
It seems that the sidebar layout of UI.X prevents the chat form from working.

Please advise. Thanks.
Feature Suggestion: Now, when someone creates a chat room, he automatically sees ALL user groups and can click who can join them. The fact, that any user can see ALL user groups is not very desirable, especially when certain levels are of administrative nature and secret for example.

It would be great to freely "narrow" down the available user groups in ACP. So I can pre-check the user groups in ACP and the user that creates a group can then select from the range of my pre-selection.
Actually, only administrators have the option to set rooms based on user groups. Users can only password protect them.
Is it possible to link users directly to a room? Adding #room2 or something to the URL would be nice.
You can edit the notice message from admin options or from the chat "Options" menu. The background can be changed from the chat Style Properties "Notices Container".
The option is in both chat page and in chat options menu. Make sure you have the permission to create rooms.
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