Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.0

No permission to buy (€29.99)
Users are being shown as online in the chat (with a green light) even though their profile's "last seen" was over 12-24 hours prior. I've checked the box for "Comply with user privacy settings" but this doesn't seem to prevent it.
forum members are highlighting the issue of the layout jumping around as they're tapping something, making them go to an unintended page.

As the site logo is responsive, it also appears large at first before shrinking down to accommodate the chat icon. This isn't pleasant to look at.

Is there a way to ensure the chat icon loads up alongside the other menu buttons and not after the rest of the page has loaded?

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Hi @Siropu
Is there a way to show unread messages differently?
When I open the chat room it opens from last message.
I would have expected it to display from first unread message
Moreover, all the messages (read and unread) appear the same.
Is it possible to add a class for unread messages?

Am I missing something?

Is there a way to ensure the chat icon loads up alongside the other menu buttons and not after the rest of the page has loaded?
It is doable. Currently the icon is added after page loads if admin option "Enable chat link icon on right navigation for mobile users" is enabled.

Is it possible to add a class for unread messages?
In rooms, no. For best performance, I have added a read/unread feature only in private conversations (siropuChatUnread).
@Mitchy71 sorry for this question but did you legally obtain all the paid add-ons that you use on your forum? I see in your footer a link to an XF Nulled site that offers all these paid add-ons on simple registration...
Hi @Siropu
I just noticed when setting the chat room users - permission based, and not allowing users to leave the room, Admins can't leave the room too.
Is there an option for admins to leave those rooms?

Sorry if this has already been answered, but I'd like to ask if it's possible to turn off the continuous acoustic signal that sounds when I've received a new message.
I don't want it to be muted, I know how to do that. I want to know if I can disable the continuous sound as long I haven't read the message yet.
Thank you.
Noticed some bugs:

If you use a custom color for your texts and edit your messages it will change to the default color (white).
Also the scrolling on new messages is not working. I need to scroll down everytime a new message comes in or after I opened the chatbox.
Can you tell me please lol. I cannot get it to display other than the default 'bottom of every page' sticky bar.
If you have the permissions to change the chat settings from the front-end, that will override the admin settings for you so make the change in the chat user settings (dropdown menu in the right side corner of the chat).

Noticed some bugs:
The edit issue can happen if you delete the text and type something else, can reproduce that. The auto-scroll issue cannot reproduce. If you have the scroll scrolled a little, it will not trigger the auto-scroll because it thinks you are reading messages that were not in the view.
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