Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.0

No permission to buy (€29.99)
it does not matter, it does not work for me. I will disable the chat for these user groups. This is too expensive for me. I just can not do it. However thank you for your help.

LG: Tammy
Hey Siropu! I notice that whenever someone adds, removes, or changes their status, or leaves the chat--I have to refresh in order to see it. Is that intended or is there a refresh/setting somewhere that will allow those changes to show up immediately? Thanks! Have an awesome Friday!
Does anyone else have the same issue that I've got when trying to click images (to open lightbox/zoom). It works fine if the image I'm trying to open is on the "first page" of the chat, but if I load more messages then the images loaded within those messages can't be clicked open?
Captured a gif of it happening on my test server, just to be more clear about the issue:

Siropu updated Chat 2 by Siropu with a new update entry:

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Users are now removed from the list when they are not active.
User chat status is now updated when user list is updated.
Conversations can now be opened in a popup window.

Bugs Fixed
Random double update requests after some refreshes.
When using the logout feature and having rooms that users cannot leave, tabs still get removed from the chat.
Bot avatars can end up with broken images even when not using avatars.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yes, if you set the user group permission to view and not to use and set the guest room in admin options.
Yes, if you set the user group permission to view and not to use and set the guest room in admin options.

I set the unregistered user group to "view" for chat, and the guest room to the chat I want guests to use. Doesn't work. I'm using chat 2.0.16.
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