XF 1.3 Change the height threshold for the appearance of redactor_box scroll bar


The vertical scroll bar in the redactor_box will typically appear when the redactor_box reaches its max-height.

I changed the max-height of the redactor_box, but was failed to chang the height threshold for the appearance of the scroll bar.

Let's say, when the max-height has not been set, the redactor box can stretch upto 19 lines and the scroll bar will appear only after user reaches the 20th line

After I set the max-height to 200px, the redactor box does only stretch upto 10 lines, BUT the scroll bar still will not appear until reaching the 20th line.

So, changing the max-height here only affects the redactor_box maximum stretch. It does nothing to the height threshold for the appearance of the scroll bar.

PS: this is my code for setting the max-height
#storylist .blendedEditor .redactor_box.activated .redactor_btn_group ul,
#storylist .blendedEditor .redactor_box.activated iframe,
#storylist .blendedEditor .redactor_box.activated .redactor_smilies li,
#storylist .redactor_textCtrl, #storylist .redactor_MessageEditor,
#storylist .redactor_BbCodeWysiwygEditor, #storylist .redactor_ {    
max-height: 100px;

Any help , please ? thanks :)
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