XF 1.5 Can't See Thread Tools


I'm a brand new convert from phpBB to xenForo.
I didn't even know Thread Tools existed until I installed the "Add On" Calendar 4.9 and read it in the instructions.
I have searched my site and searched the Admin section and can not find anything referencing this.
I have searched this Forum and there is only one post referencing version 1.1

I don't even see Thread Tools here either.

Can this be toggled on or off?
Please help.
My Forum is imtbtrails | Southern California Mountain Bike Forum
Thank you!
If you can't, check the permissions for the node that thread is in to ensure the permissions aren't set to Never.

The analyze permissions screen above only covers the General Permissions of a user rather than those that are applied at the content level. As Martok suggests, you need to run the Analyze Permissions feature again, this time choose the Node Permissions tab, select an affected node as well as typing the name of an affected user and look at the output for that.
I'm so embarrassed. Martok is correct. I WAS looking in the wrong place. I thought it was supposed to be in the light blue Nav Bar. Guys? I really don't know what to say. I'm REALLY embarrassed right now...
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