Can Xenforo connect to Wordpress seamlessly like Vanilla Forums now can?


Well-known member
I just saw that Vanilla forums can now seamlessly connect with Wordpress and allow Wordpress users to automatically login to the forum area.

They have a video which shows a "proxy connect". Part 1 Part 2

Is this something Xenforo is planning on having? The Wordpress market is HUGE and a lot of people are looking for an easy to use solution built in.

Vanilla is a bit clunky so would prefer to use Xenforo. I saw some of the mods on this site but they seem complicated to set up and use and will they be supported and updated in the future? Who knows. Something built in the core Xenforo would be best.
Is there a simple plugin or mod that allows you to useWordpress as your homepage and Xenforo is a subdirectory then when you loginto Worpress you are automatically logged into Xenforo without having to log in again?

The mods I've found so far put Wordpress inside Xenforo's system. But, I simply want to use Wordpress as my site and attach a forum to it. I would also need an integrated commenting system which would pull from Xenforo user profiles. That way, the community isn't fragmented and people confused with having two separate community functions.

Does this exist somewhere?
The answer to your question is: not at this moment in time, at time of posting. XenForo is still in infancy, any many new exciting features are being added. Whilst XenForo's developers don't want XenForo to become a feature-bloated kitchen sink, I think integration could be a wise choice, but I don't really like WordPress anymore.

I think you should post this as a suggestion in the appropriate forum:
It may be that this feature be receive a positive response from the community.
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