Can I migrate my custom forum to Xenforo?



I want to migrate the following forum to Xenforo:

Is it feasible technically?

If yes, will I need any addins in order for this forum to run smoothly or the basic package (of $160 annualy) will be adequate?

Thank you all very much. I don't want to spend too much but I'm not sure if my server is capable. I have a 3 year old system bought new Windows 10.

Forgive me folks, but I know very little about this stuff. What if my server is not good enough, can I pay a Hosting site? Is that what they're for?

So it's $160 to start, $55 for the second year, I would pay now for that, $50 for installation, maybe $350 in Add Ons which I hope are a only a one time fee. Then whatever a hosting site might cost per month or yearly.
@archer100 i wouldn’t attempt it with Python, there’s a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes to get XF to do what it does, and it would be nigh impossible to capture all that outside of the XF framework, let alone in a different language.

If you can get me a copy of your DB, I might be able to offer a few pointers. You can reach me via
Hi Kier

I will definitely reach you out in the near future

Many thanks
I sent @MySiteGuy a PM yesterday but no reply, perhaps he is busy or doesn't visit here often. I hope to hear from him as I have the money and want to get started. I am willing to start from scratch and forget about transferring my content (threads & posts) and statistics if it were possible for the stats to transfer.

I still have a few questions and I installed My SQL 8.0 for Windows 10. I got one error but it seems OK even so. I'm just not sure enough to pull the trigger but I want to figure a few more things out. Thank you all here.
I still have a few questions and I installed My SQL 8.0 for Windows 10. I got one error but it seems OK even so. I'm just not sure enough to pull the trigger but I want to figure a few more things out. Thank you all here.
If you installed Windows 10 in the goal of hosting Xenforo then you're going about hosting the wrong way. If it's for a local dev version then fine but otherwise you need to look at hosting companies, not some local workstation with port forwarding.
If you installed Windows 10 in the goal of hosting Xenforo then you're going about hosting the wrong way. If it's for a local dev version then fine but otherwise you need to look at hosting companies, not some local workstation with port forwarding.
I already had Windows 10 but when I downloaded the test script here before purchase it said I need MySQL 5 or higher. So that's what I installed, MySQL 8.
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