California Case Update

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I feel that persuing xf customers would be extremely unwise on IB's part. The majority of people who left vbulletin actually left due to the licencing changes in the first instance, and then the release of vb4 was terrible shortly afterwards. I moved over to IPB at this point and XF was nowhere in existance. IB are lucky there has not been any class action against themselves regarding the licencing fiasco by the customers let alone IB going for ex customers.
Well that's we're things might backfire on IB, if they put customers on the stand to have a say. You can bet your bottom dollar most will have negative things to say about IB at the same time given the chance. Personally, I'm starting to wonder if this is not just another way of IB dragging things out to keep XenForo paying court costs. Just another courtroom tactic they are playing out, one which will get withdrawn later like all the others before it at the very last minute.

Seems like they're always looking for new ways to keep the whole thing dragging longer so XenForo keep paying ongoing court and legal costs. Hoping it will sink them in the end!
The last time I had an interview, I ended up twisting an interviewer and she found it impossible, because I trapped her in what she was asking. I thought it was pretty funny. By the end of the interview, another interviewer had to leave the room as he was constantly laughing at everything I was saying.
Like I said earlier in this thread...and now my assumptions are true I believe 100%.

By IB saying they want the entire customer list , all customer info, and all communications with XF, they are saying they believe all customers are calculable assets and therefor property.

My conversations with any employee of Xenforo or between me and any member is between us. I do not trust IB or any of it's other shelled companies, I do not feel the need to explain why but what I will say is I will go to Washington DC my damn self if IB thinks they can read MY personal conversations with members or staff here which may or may not contain passwords to my sites or other personal information.

IB have already proven themselves to not be ethical or trustworthy to me from where I stand and I will absolutely not stand for a company that does what they are doing having any part or whole of conversation pertaining to my personal ambitions. I with my limited knowledge of the way some things web and code related, can see that IB's case banks on the fact that the average person can not see what they are doing directly. I may not know all of the facts but I see red and feel blue when I see anyone taking advantage of another person. Now we have a company doing it to individuals that also effects us as individual customers on a very personal level.

(note however if it is needed that my private conversations {private non related info edited of course} be used in the capacity of helping XF ending this case sooner I have no problem with that, I am not against sticking my neck out...but this is really about my right to privacy. In all respect the hell is IB reading my personal convos going to prove or disprove anything...this seems like a fishing expedition to a grocery store and they seem to be trying to buy their catch since a lot of people no longer want to bite their hooks anymore. )

Also they claim we were coerced of sorts into buying this software...which is absolutely asinine. If you read anywhere in the forum where someone has something negative to say about VB (or any other software company for that matter ) as a company (not features, lack of features, or stability) you will usually see staff or a highly regarded member saying this is not a forum to bash competition just for being competition. This forum and it's software basis will succeed or fail on it's own merits and that is the message I got from Kier or Brogan (can't remember) the first time I saw him warn someone about bashing a competing forum software. In fact at one point I believe I remember a staff member posting something to the effect of 'if you have something to say about vb do it on their forum...we are XF here'.

In fact I only saw one party in this legal situation trying to coerce potential customers away from another software.

I believe in the success of this software and am willing to wager my life on that being because the team here strike me as insanely honorable compared to other companies I have dealt with online and they truly love and use their own product and you can tell this software is made from blood sweat and tears...where as many companies online derive from lie, cheat and steal.

Most of the people who frequent here do so because this place is a solution to REAL problems they have been living with unanswered for years now. It has nothing to do with who xf or vb is...that is secondary. The consistency of this place and the product itself is why we are all still here. Unfortunately, now that XF has created a solution that is so well built that even I am capable of customizing it for my needs, companies with no honor are going to attack the source to try and stop their loss of sales due to them not being able to deliver a product that can do the same.

XF took my breath away with their product because I held it in awe....other companies think they can achieve the same thing by smothering me with a pillow...
Nobody is getting deposed. It's yet another ruse to further complicate matters and attempt to create a multimillion dollar mess consisting of scores of absurd claims, each of which will need to be discussed. Hopefully the judge will finally put his foot down and decide that there are other people on this planet that actually require justice be served.
Ok, I don't know what's worse, the fact that I can't make payment because the account is disabled or the lady at the end of the phone can't see any outstanding charges.
Ok, I don't know what's worse, the fact that I can't make payment because the account is disabled or the lady at the end of the phone can't see any outstanding charges.

Don't you have auto-pay setup?

Anyway, I've attached the latest document from PACER as of now. (Document #98) I have not read it yet.

Edit: Document filed 12/5/11, From Pam Deitchle


Your account is currently disabled. On-line payments can be made in the Account Information section at <A href=""></A>. Or, contact the PACER Service Center at (800) 676-6856.

Why don't I receive notifications, or any warnings?
$ 37.04
I am not sure, but if I recall correctly, you can set up auto pay and they send out statements via email (I think it is quarterly). Maybe check your spam folder?
I am not sure, but if I recall correctly, you can set up auto pay and they send out statements via email (I think it is quarterly). Maybe check your spam folder?

They have a single-payment option and a recurring billing option that you can attach a credit card to. Yes, there are also quarterly statements sent out by email.

They have a single-payment option and a recurring billing option that you can attach a credit card to. Yes, there are also quarterly statements sent out by email.

Right...I rarely use PACER except for my own cases (free initial copy), so I rarely get a bill.
Don't you have auto-pay setup?

Anyway, I've attached the latest document from PACER as of now. (Document #98) I have not read it yet.

Edit: Document filed 12/5/11, From Pam Deitchle

Auto-pay keeps failing with my card - Lloyds TSB can't understand that some international payments are on auto-renew.
Makes me wonder if or can they use evidence in the form of customers posts from the licensed customer on

Couldn't the XF lawyers use testimonials from people who've switched from VB to XF?
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