[BS] Similar threads [Deleted]

hmm, confused a little....did a quick test.....as i recalled you already had a quick thread pop up didnt you?....however after the upgrade to this version i no longer see it appear...irony whew ;P
hmm, confused a little....did a quick test.....as i recalled you already had a quick thread pop up didnt you?....however after the upgrade to this version i no longer see it appear...irony whew ;P
.no, the popup was only in the usual form of creating a thread. Any errors in the console or CP?

Elastic search support?
In theory, everything should work, because the standard XF search system is used. I can’t check
.no, the popup was only in the usual form of creating a thread. Any errors in the console or CP?

In theory, everything should work, because the standard XF search system is used. I can’t check

ah ok thanks to clear that up, i knew i saw it somewhere....
no, didnt see any errors in admincp or browser tools.. still works in normal thread creation tho fwiw...
ah ok thanks to clear that up, i knew i saw it somewhere....
no, didnt see any errors in admincp or browser tools.. still works in normal thread creation tho fwiw...
.please check on default style
I'm using Multi Prefix from @Xon , when I use this add-on Similar Threads, it didn't work, when I disabled Multi prefix, it works, need a fix for this because many people are using Multi Prefix of Xon, one more thing, similar threads doesn't show up below quick reply position
I'm using Multi Prefix from @Xon , when I use this add-on Similar Threads, it didn't work, when I disabled Multi prefix, it works, need a fix for this because many people are using Multi Prefix of Xon, one more thing, similar threads doesn't show up below quick reply position
That has been fixed since MultiPrefix v2.7.2+, please ensure you've updated it.
The search for similarities is conducted not only by title, but also by message.
Is there a way to force search only by title? As it is now, everything but the most similar threads show up for a user on thread creation: a user would have to actually click and read each thread in order to see how they're similar.
I'm trying to gauge if there's any benefit to installing this addon on top of base XF 2.2 similar threads (with ES support).

Would this simply add a popup for similar threads? How do the 2 interact?
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