XF 2.2 Broken images after import


Just finished a import of a very large forum so far all seems to have gone very well except for broken images in the posts.

If I click on the broken image , the full image opens and is viewable. so far I've tried rebuilding the attachment thumbnails, verified permissions on data and internal data are 777 recursive.

any ideas what I need to do to resolve this?

I use these addons from @AndyB.

This addon should correct all your old entries:

And this one will automatically insert (most) attachments into the post for new posts going forward:

Can you post a link to an affected post?

Also the raw contents of the post - you can click edit and toggle the bb code button to see that.
Can you post a link to an affected post?

Also the raw contents of the post - you can click edit and toggle the bb code button to see that.

code snippet
I started with the mountain...Roughed it out in Modeler, then took it into Zbrush for refining and detailing..I tried many ways to get a good set of distant mountains from Displacement, to Terragen and Gaia..finally ended up using a DEM that I stretched in Modeler and also imported to Zbrush for modifying and painted it all. [ATTACH alt="01-MountainLW-v1.jpg"]118871[/ATTACH][ATTACH alt="02-NorthMountain-Z1.jpg"]118872[/ATTACH][ATTACH alt="03-NorthMountain-Z2.jpg"]118873[/ATTACH][ATTACH alt="04Mountain-Det.jpg"]118874[/ATTACH]VBO I have since then set up the opening shot. I used volume objects for the clouds. The sky clouds were just a skytracer generated texture mapped to a ball. In all the shot takes about 10-15 minutes to render at this stage (on my 16core Ryzen). Pay not attention to the visible UV seams, I made a mistake and used a baked texture for that shot).. [ATTACH alt="05-Opening-MB-Brute.jpg"]118875[/ATTACH]

when I clicked edit, all the thumbnails appeared. clicked save and they are broken again

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