Fixed Broken autolink

Not to be an arse... but "When it's Ready ™". There are no scheduled release dates.. if you need it right now download the file attachment in Chris D's post... and simply upload it to your site. You will get a file check error... but at least it should resolve the issue until the next update rolls out (whenever that turns out to be).
You are not an arse by replying that, as it was simply a question wether XF has a planned release roadmap or not :) Wanted to avoid the file-check error if possible, but if it is no ETA for it, we'll apply the patch manually.
You are not an arse by replying that, as it was simply a question wether XF has a planned release roadmap or not :) Wanted to avoid the file-check error if possible, but if it is no ETA for it, we'll apply the patch manually.
It is a PITA to have to see the file check regularly.. but it it honestly is the ONLY way to guarantee that the fix is applied immediately.
Unluckily, there is (and never has been) a release cycle for bug fixes or even "major improvements". It happens when it does.
At least XF developers do deign to provide fixes directly... the earlier "attempt" at the diff file was not a very well thought out approach.
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