Bought the Playstation 4 :)

Design, in general, is mostly a matter of preference.

I only mentioned the Xbox One since I own both (any console would have done, really), as I was interested in what you considered a nicely designed gaming console. So I was trying to draw a comparison; however, I see you expanded on that line of thought more in the reply right before mine.

Neither console is all that visible in my setup, so how each console looks isn't a huge deal to me either. Aesthetically, Xbox One's shiny finish looks nice but is a fingerprint magnet. However, from a purely functional standpoint I prefer the PS4, its smaller design allowed it to fit nicely into my existing setup.

I'm indifferent to the whole CD/USB issue, as I haven't had any problems using or finding either. They were where I'd actually expect them to be. Obviously not everyone had such luck, so perhaps a small LED strip wouldn't hurt. Admittedly, I haven't tried to fumble around with it in the dark either, as my media console is lit when the doors are open.

As for the controller lighting, I actually agree. I don't like it, and for the very reason you mentioned, glare. I tend to game with the room dimly lit and it's just...annoying. I've grown accustomed to it, but I definitely wouldn't be sad to see it go.

I'm almost sure I said the ps3 version 1 console was a nicely designed console. That was definitely my favorite design but it was a big beast of a machine that took up alot of space. The look of the console isn't wouldn't be a deal to me but it's something I mentioned since I was a big fan of the ps3 revision 1 design plus the plastic looks cheap imo but not a show stopper if the system works and your a console gamer.

I'm one for the little things, fine attention to detail is only going to get the thumbsup and I don't really see that with the whole PS4 design. If they had put as much attention to the console as they did with the controller (minus the back light) I would have appreciated this more.

The jist of it if your happy with the console then good you've made a good purchase if you get usage from it but if I was handed this or went out and purchased it for myself I couldn't honestly see it ever being switched on. The controller lighting (showstopper) is an issue but the lighting Sony should have added to the usb area and the buttons on the console front I feel is oversight on their part. Time will tell if users (PS Gamers) have issues with it enough for Sony to take a look at rectifying this in a revision 2 which I'm sure will happen in a few years time when they do their console re-design.
I'm sure they been in the computer/console business long enough to figure out how to put a load on it programatically.
*facepalm* New technology means specs change. PS4 demands quite a lot from a server. If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry.
And that's exactly WHY I run my forum on a dedicated server. It's going to have to be a REALLY big load to bring down a dual L5639 with 36GB RAM. :p
It's called planning for the future.
You're missing the point though.
I glanced through your posts Carlos so please excuse me if I missed anything - I'll say there's no excuse by Sony, they should have been more prepared. It's not like they never knew people would not want to log into PSN or that a good wave of people would be hammering the servers on xmas day to register and update their systems. Join the Ranks of Blizzard, EA (Sim City) server screwups. I'll throw in win8 in there too since it just wouldn't feel right leaving that out with famous screw ups by companies that don't prepare.
Its not that they didn't prepare, it's that they didn't expect the amount of requests being made between the server(s) and the console(s).

Like I pointed out - Sony handles 40 to 70 million players per month (since PS3 is now at 80 million units sold), fine and dandy, they expect that much traffic. What they didn't expect: 5 Million reqests with 2 to 6 gigs being exchanged - per minute from each PS4 console [to the Sony servers and vice versa]. It's kind of like launching a new version of YouTube, basically.

Mostly because you're downloading and uploading exorbitant levels of information per second.

In other words: Those 2.1 million PS4 owners are sending 100,000 Gigs per minute - collectively, which is a little too much, and not even Google/YouTube can handle that many requests in gigabytes.

The difference between YouTube's upload/download and PS4's upload/download is that you're sending files back and forth, while with YouTube, you're sending your flash movies, and streaming your flash movies on their servers. Ususally, those flash files are shorter than PS4's so whatever scale is being compared right here is one-sided.

TL;DR: PS4's sucking up a lot of bandwidth [from servers] that Sony isn't used to.
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*facepalm* New technology means specs change. PS4 demands quite a lot from a server. If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry.

You're missing the point though.

Its not that they didn't prepare, it's that they didn't expect the amount of requests being made between the server(s) and the console(s).

Like I pointed out - Sony handles 40 to 70 million players per month (since PS3 is now at 80 million units sold), fine and dandy, they expect that much traffic. What they didn't expect: 5 Million reqests with 2 to 6 gigs being exchanged - per minute from each PS4 console [to the Sony servers and vice versa]. It's kind of like launching a new version of YouTube, basically.

Mostly because you're downloading and uploading exorbitant levels of information per second.

In other words: Those 2.1 million PS4 owners are sending 100,000 Gigs per minute - collectively, which is a little too much, and not even Google/YouTube can handle that many requests in gigabytes.

Stop defending incompetence.
If they've built their login/store/multiplayer infrastructure such that it can be affected by the bandwidth of their streaming and downloads, they've done things completely wrong
Who says this is just about login/store/multiplayer? You're downloading all the time: Firmware updates, game patches, downloading games/DLC (from PSN Store), streaming your trophies (why do you think the you and the server are "syncing"?), streaming your "share" footage (the footage has to go somewhere), downloading your stuff to cloud, downloading this and that. I could go on and on. You won't notice because you're not paying attention to the notification(s) on the upper left/right corners.

Worst part is, each download is now in the realm of xxGB, to xxxGB.
Stop defending incompetence.
I'm not! :) You just don't understand.
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Who says this is just about login/store/multiplayer? You're downloading all the time: Firmware updates, game patches, downloading games (from PSN Store), streaming your trophies (why do you think the you and the server are "syncing"?), downloading your stuff to cloud, downloading this and that. I could go on and on. You won't notice because you're not paying attention to the notification(s) on the upper left/right corners.

I'm not! :) You just don't understand.

I understand perfectly but pulling stats out of your backside is a non starter, as a reason. You're clearly making excuses for a multi-billion dollar corp who should have foreseen the amount of traffic that was going to be used.

ps4 games are larger - using more bandwidth from users who purchase and download via psn
new console release - november
Xmas day - The servers were going to get hammered, are you telling me sony didn't predict this or expected it vs the sales (which they published)

Your right Carlos, I don't understand, you know better. *waves white flag* (y)
I understand perfectly but pulling stats out of your backside is a non starter, as a reason. You're clearly making excuses for a multi-billion dollar corp who should have foreseen the amount of traffic that was going to be used.
I'm not pulling stats out of my @$$. That 2.1 million owners is real. [Here.] When you have 2.1 million sold in a month and a half, you're stuck with what you have now. Buying servers when you're Sony is a $100,000 bill on that same week, now don't get too excited about that, because by the end of the month they're paying $2 million. I did this same math for explaining why Activision is being "cheap" with dedicated servers. [Here.]
ps4 games are larger - using more bandwidth from users who purchase and download via psn
new console release - november
Xmas day - The servers were going to get hammered, are you telling me sony didn't predict this or expected it vs the sales (which they published)
Yeah, they don't. That 2.1 million units sold got even larger when they launched in new countries. Try being Microsoft and launching in 13 countries all at once. Yet, they have enough servers (they claim they have hundreds of thousands of servers all around the world), and to go along with that, there are not just server problems, there's hardware problems - and it's getting to a point that it's widespread. Sony's problem is just a server vs budget problem. (Now, granted, they have their own hardware problems, but it's kind-of isolated, atm.) They were in dire financial problems years ago with PS3. They only launched PS4, and beginning to their money back this year thanks to their new marketing strategy across PS3/PS4.

I would complain more to Microsoft, then Sony. They have more capital than Sony, yet they can't get these server errors and hardware errors fixed promptly, fast enough, or to customers' satisfaction. The only satisfaction they're able to make is giving away free Xbox Live stuff. In fact, customers have to pay for their Xbox One "repair" by shipping fees.
Your right Carlos, I don't understand, you know better. *waves white flag* (y)
Sarcasm. *shakes head*
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I'm not pulling stats out of my ass. That 2.1 million owners is real. [Here.] When you have 2.1 million sold in a month and a half, you're stuck with what you have now. Buying servers when you're Sony is a $100,000 bill on that same week, now don't get too excited about that, because by the end of the month they're paying $2 million. I did this same math for explaining why Activision is being "cheap" with dedicated servers. [Here.]

Yeah, they don't. That 2.1 million units sold got even larger when they launched in new countries. Try being Microsoft Win 8 and launching in 13 countries all at once. Yet, they have enough servers (they claim they have hundreds of thousands of servers all around the world), and to go along with that, there are not just server problems, there's hardware problems - and it's getting to a point that it's widespread. Sony's problem is just a server vs budget problem. They were in dire financial problems years ago with PS3. They only launched PS4, and beginning to their money back this year thanks to their new marketing strategy across PS3/PS4.

I would complain more to Microsoft, then Sony. They have more capital than Sony, yet they can't get these server errors and hardware errors fixed promptly, fast enough, or to customers' satisfaction. The only satisfaction they're able to make is giving away free Xbox Live stuff.

Sarcasm. *shakes head*

:ROFLMAO: :LOL: :giggle: you've just made my night. :love:

Let's blame Microsoft - We'll go with that. *chokes due to laughing so much* :ROFLMAO:

I haven't been able to download the day1 update nor log into the PSN can you help please?
Support: Blame Microsoft
Customer: But the problem is with your network
Support: But we haven't got the capital Microsoft have.
Customer: I don't see how this is my problem can you please assist and tell me when I will be able to log in and download?
Support: We don't have the capital Microsoft have and we're still recovering from selling the PS3 at a loss.
Customer: O_o
Support: will that be all sir? can I help you with anything else?

You win, Carlos. I bow out. ;)
:ROFLMAO: :LOL: :giggle: you've just made my night. :love:

Let's blame Microsoft - We'll go with that. *chokes due to laughing so much* :ROFLMAO:
Customer: I haven't been able to download the day1 update nor log into the PSN can you help please?
Support: Blame Microsoft
Customer: But the problem is with your network
Support: But we haven't got the capital Microsoft have.
Customer: I don't see how this is my problem can you please assist and tell me when I will be able to log in and download?
Support: We don't have the capital Microsoft have and we're still recovering from selling the PS3 at a loss.
Customer: o_O
Support: will that be all sir? can I help you with anything else?

You win, Carlos. I bow out. ;)
Okay, I'm done with you, @Shelley. When you stop being a child, I'll treat you with more respect. Otherwise that respect is now on the door mat. I like you but you keep insulting me. Mocking isn't nice.

Maybe if you respond nicely, without mocking people, try and understand what's being said..
Okay, I'm done with you, @Shelley. When you stop being a child, I'll treat you with more respect. Otherwise that respect is now on the door mat. I like you but you keep insulting me. Mocking isn't nice.

Maybe if you respond nicely, without mocking people, try and understand what's being said..

I understood what you said. I simply didn't agree with it and since we're talking about respect just because I disagreed doesn't mean I don't understand, I merely don't buy into your reason so I basically showed your reasons the same respect as you showed my opinion, it goes both ways. But let's not blame each other - Lets blame Microsoft. :laugh:
I understood what you said. I simply didn't agree with it and since we're talking about respect just because I disagreed doesn't mean I don't understand, I merely don't buy into your reason so I basically showed your reasons the same respect as you showed my opinion, it goes both ways. But let's not blame each other - Lets blame Microsoft. :LOL:
No, @Shelley, when I stated my opinion you resorted to mocking my posts to which I took it as disrespect.

I don't take kindly to mockery, or laughing at my ideas or opinion(s).
No, @Shelley, when I stated my opinion you resorted to mocking my posts to which I took it as disrespect.

For the sake of the thread I apologize Carlos if you found my posts disrespectful, but I do disagree with them as much as you think I don't understand about Syncing data and high traffic since I'm always on Steam and Valve seem to be managing perfectly fine.

Sony should have better prepared for it and where you see they have legitimate reasons, I see it has poor customer service. :)
For the sake of the thread I apologize Carlos if you found my posts disrespectful, but I do disagree with them as much as you think I don't understand about Syncing data and high traffic since I'm always on Steam and Valve seem to be managing perfectly fine.
Okay, this is where I've been saying you don't understand. High traffic, and syncing data is not what we're talking about here. You're Sony, you just recently launched a new console, you have 2.1 million units sold. When you're sending 3 to 5 million requests (that means like, downloads, actions, streaming, and whatever else Sony allows you do to in PS4), and the respective file sizes are big - you have bandwidth problem, rather than a traffic problem.

When you're hosting a site, the amount of visitors/files downloaded is your bandwidth, but we're talking about a console to server communication here.
Sony should have better prepared for it and where you see they have legitimate reasons
But you need to understand that they were in dire financial troubles - I said that already. This is their first 3 months of their "comeback" and while it's being profitable at the moment, it's not enough to cover the costs of the PS3's losses. They even moved to a new U.S. headquarters recently. My point is that Sony might be a multi-billion dollar corporation, they're not fully recovered.
I see it has poor customer service. :)
Where? I don't see it! They're letting you send your broken PS4 (based on others' feedback).
Leave it at that. @Carlos, if you have an issue with a post, walk away. Don't report it and continue the argument.
Actually, it's the other way around. I responded, then [decided to] report. But alright.
*facepalm* New technology means specs change. PS4 demands quite a lot from a server. If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry.

You're missing the point though.
Apparently YOU are missing the point. They KNEW that it had higher requirements (they should, since they designed it) and should have PLANNED appropriately. They didn't. No getting around that and no making excuses for them. They blew it - period. They have a history of poor performance with their online service and you would expect them to have ironed most of the capacity problems out by now bearing their history in mind.

Its not that they didn't prepare, it's that they didn't expect the amount of requests being made between the server(s) and the console(s).
That is BULL. How could they NOT expect it when they knew how many consoles they had manufactured, how many they had sold and the requirements that that would put on their servers. You are beginning to sound like an apologist for Sony. Please - stop. They (technically) blew it. If it was MS having the same problem with the xBox One I'd be commenting on it also.

Like I pointed out - Sony handles 40 to 70 million players per month (since PS3 is now at 80 million units sold), fine and dandy, they expect that much traffic. What they didn't expect: 5 Million reqests with 2 to 6 gigs being exchanged - per minute from each PS4 console [to the Sony servers and vice versa]. It's kind of like launching a new version of YouTube, basically.
Apologist speak here - they KNEW it would. They required all kinds of updates (and that was published by them) before it even could be used.

Mostly because you're downloading and uploading exorbitant levels of information per second.

In other words: Those 2.1 million PS4 owners are sending 100,000 Gigs per minute - collectively, which is a little too much, and not even Google/YouTube can handle that many requests in gigabytes.

The difference between YouTube's upload/download and PS4's upload/download is that you're sending files back and forth, while with YouTube, you're sending your flash movies, and streaming your flash movies on their servers. Ususally, those flash files are shorter than PS4's so whatever scale is being compared right here is one-sided.

TL;DR: PS4's sucking up a lot of bandwidth [from servers] that Sony isn't used to.

Are you actually trying to say that they had no clue that (and this is not a select one list)
A: They had sold X amount of consoles
B: They had no idea that the buyers had to download updates before it could even be used
C: They had no idea of the amount of flow of data that was going to be requested because they had no knowledge of how large the downloads that they were providing for the updates were
D: They didn't have a clue on the amount of the flow of information that the PS/4 forced on their systems

I could go on further - but I think you SHOULD be able to get the point. Point being you are beginning to sound like a heavy duty apologist for Sony. They blew it - they failed to plan appropriately to allow for the requirements of a system that they designed in a quantity that they manufactured with plans to sell.
I'm still waiting to get one of both, lol, nothing to be found anywhere in town,

Still got the 360 and ps3, will have to do for now, I am in no shape to be camping out for a chance at one of 4 available once a week, lol,
I'm still waiting to get one of both, lol, nothing to be found anywhere in town,

Still got the 360 and ps3, will have to do for now, I am in no shape to be camping out for a chance at one of 4 available once a week, lol,
Got both.. and have been playing on the PS/4 a lot more (now that PSN is back up) with BF/4. I STILL can't get used to the controller. Keep throwing either spare ammo/medkit when I mean to switch the laser off. Also find myself knifing frequently when I mean to shoot. :p
Other than the PSN fiasco recently - I really like it. If I had to do it over again (and wasn't worried about the fact I had a lot of guys I played with on xBox Live) then I'd be perfectly happy with the PS/4 (so far). Now, when Titanfall comes out - that would be another matter. :D
Got both.. and have been playing on the PS/4 a lot more (now that PSN is back up) with BF/4. I STILL can't get used to the controller. Keep throwing either spare ammo/medkit when I mean to switch the laser off. Also find myself knifing frequently when I mean to shoot. :p
Other than the PSN fiasco recently - I really like it. If I had to do it over again (and wasn't worried about the fact I had a lot of guys I played with on xBox Live) then I'd be perfectly happy with the PS/4 (so far). Now, when Titanfall comes out - that would be another matter. :D

Titanfall - Can't wait to get my hands on that game (for the PC) I can't play FPS on gamepads to save my life. But that is Xboxone exclusive right? in that it won't be appearing on the PS4?
Titanfall - Can't wait to get my hands on that game (for the PC) I can't play FPS on gamepads to save my life. But that is Xboxone exclusive right? in that it won't be appearing on the PS4?
xBox (think it will be on both the 360 and the One) and PC.
No PS/4 or Mac/Linux.
I started playing games on PC's, but I like the interaction of the consoles better personally. Guess because on my computers I prefer a trackpad rather than a mouse.
Apparently YOU are missing the point. They KNEW that it had higher requirements (they should, since they designed it) and should have PLANNED appropriately. They didn't. No getting around that and no making excuses for them. They blew it - period. They have a history of poor performance with their online service and you would expect them to have ironed most of the capacity problems out by now bearing their history in mind.
No. I haven't missed the point. It's not about planning. PS4's powerful for a console, right? Fine, we got that out of the way. Planning won't fix this kind of problem. You don't know the actual number until it's actually 'live.' Did you even see patch notes from companies like EA, Activision, Konami, and other major companies? Their patches are now in the realm of xxGB to xxxGB.
That is BULL. How could they NOT expect it when they knew how many consoles they had manufactured, how many they had sold and the requirements that that would put on their servers. You are beginning to sound like an apologist for Sony. Please - stop. They (technically) blew it. If it was MS having the same problem with the xBox One I'd be commenting on it also.
The amount of consoles sold/manufactured is ENTIRELY different from 2.1 million owners sending 5x requests. Each customer is different, they're going to download firmware updates, they're going to download patches (that's x amount of games sold/playing), they're going to "share" their games and whatnot - it's not as linear as you think it is. Each company, have their patch sizes, and right now, it's at around xxGB to xxxGB - like I said before.

I don't blame Sony this time around. You and everyone just don't understand this is a different case from the PS3 network (PlayStation Network), because it requires less memory to do one thing then (I mean at the time)... That's why PS3 patches were quicker after launch.
Apologist speak here - they KNEW it would. They required all kinds of updates (and that was published by them) before it even could be used.
It's one thing to set their required updates, the other is to know how many GB will be needed for launch.
YES, but they don't know how many customers will be downloading this amount of
Again: The amount of consoles manufactured/sold isn't a metric to say "hey, this many people will download this much space collectively."

And you even said it yourself, so you know what I meant here. But hey, let's get confused with @Carlos speaking. :)
Are you actually trying to say that they had no clue that (and this is not a select one list)
A: They had sold X amount of consoles
B: They had no idea that the buyers had to download updates before it could even be used

C: They had no idea of the amount of flow of data that was going to be requested because they had no knowledge of how large the downloads that they were providing for the updates were
D: They didn't have a clue on the amount of the flow of information that the PS/4 forced on their systems
Crossed out the ones I'm NOT saying. Basically, you need to know how many GB/TB will be downloaded THAT day, or THAT week, or THAT month to ensure a smooth sailing launch. Which THEY didn't know.

Regardless of the positive feedback from PlayStation Meeting/E32013, they did not expect to sell every single unit they manufactured. They expected to have a lower demand than right now. Mostly because PS3 was lackluster until I dunno, two years ago, when the PSN hack occurred?
I could go on further - but I think you SHOULD be able to get the point. Point being you are beginning to sound like a heavy duty apologist for Sony. They blew it - they failed to plan appropriately to allow for the requirements of a system that they designed in a quantity that they manufactured with plans to sell.
Nope, I understand things. I understand where Sony is coming from. And I'm not being an apologist. If you had understood what I was trying to say, the point would have gotten through, but alas, it didn't... Planning this scale isn't easy. Not for a console launch, not for a device launch, in fact... Apple went through the same thing. They weren't even expecting the skyrocketing sales of Iphone until it actually happened.
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