Better Analytics

Better Analytics 3.1.1

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So, just a question, and it could be derp on my part.

So you install the tracking in page_container like normal, and then just install this addon? Or does this addon handle all of that, if so where do I add my tracking ID?

Would you consider including the phrases that is added to the ^Terms and Rules^ page for translation on next updates?
What does the "session" value mean when looking at the forum custom variable?

For example, I have 30 sessions next to one forum and 2 sessions next to another. It states that a session is "the period time a user is actively engaged" with your site.

I'd have thought that in a single session a user would potentially visit many forums so I'm not sure how to interpret this number...
A session is just how many people visited that area. I believe by default a GA session is any activity by a user that has at least 30 minutes of inactivity before first page view (for example if a user visits a bunch of threads in the same forum one after the other, it would only be one "session" that visited that area).
So if they visit forum1, then forum2, then forum1 again how many sessions is that?

I'd have said it was 1 session (or 1 visit) but that concept doesn't really make sense when you then split it down to individual forums.
No, they would still count as 1 session, just that session would span multiple areas.

You are trying to reconcile two different things. 1 session/visit can span multiple pages/areas. 100 page views does not mean you had 100 unique visitors. A visitor can view multiple pages.

What you are looking at is simply telling you how many visitors visited each area. Adding the numbers together from each forum will always be more than the number of unique visitors unless each visitor only visits one section. If one visitor visited each and every forum, you still only have 1 unique visitor/session, but each area had 1 visitor from that.
Hi there @digitalpoint ! Thanks for making such an awesome add-on, however I am running into a bit of a problem. I have my Google Property ID in Xenforo where it should be, and I installed this add-on but when attempting to verify through my Google Analytics account it is telling me that it is still missing the extra code that it needs. Is there some way of trying to fix this? Thanks!
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