Better Analytics

Better Analytics 3.1.1

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I haven't done much research on it, but regarding the new Analytics Code that XF v1.5.17 update incorporates - is there anything that I need to do to ensure the change is incorporated with this plugin?
Answer to previous three posts:
Probably not some of the less popular ones (or the ones that are features implemented in XF2 natively of course), but yes... Better Analytics will be rebuilt from scratch for XF2 with more features. There isn't a timeline on when it's going to be done though.
The XF2 version should be brought up to feature parity with the WordPress version. Things like not needing to setup a Google API project, automatic configuration of Google Analytics account for various things (like setting up custom dimensions), widget support, management of Goals from admin area, support for experiments (A/B testing), client-side error tracking (like missing images, JavaScript errors), etc.

Screenshots are from WordPress version just to give you a general idea what I'm talking about...

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The XF2 version should be brought up to feature parity with the WordPress version. Things like not needing to setup a Google API project, automatic configuration of Google Analytics account for various things (like setting up custom dimensions), widget support, management of Goals from admin area, support for experiments (A/B testing), client-side error tracking (like missing images, JavaScript errors), etc.

Screenshots are from WordPress version just to give you a general idea what I'm talking about...

View attachment 157651

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@digitalpoint Where can you get your WordPress plug-in?
I just learned that GA has an "embeddable" frontend. Do you have any plans to add in any kind of XF frontend for stats (either as part of this or as a new addon?).
I too am getting these errors and have the quota right up, barely touching it anyway;
Error: Call to a member function getBody() on null - library/DigitalPointBetterAnalytics/Helper/Reporting.php:524

it was working fine, then suddenly has just stopped. Also have bd cache here, but removed Googlead from the blacklist.
I too am getting these errors and have the quota right up, barely touching it anyway;
Error: Call to a member function getBody() on null - library/DigitalPointBetterAnalytics/Helper/Reporting.php:524

it was working fine, then suddenly has just stopped. Also have bd cache here, but removed Googlead from the blacklist.
And by itself, it's gone. Weird one... could just be a communication error or something..
@digitalpoint I'm in no rush for the XF2 version, but I was wondering/would like to again request a feature I mentioned earlier in this thread: design split testing. Google analytics is more than capable but XF1.5 session data made it difficult/impossible.

If you integrate an easy way to split test design changes I will love you forever.
If one were to upgrade to XF2 prior to a XF2-compatible version being released, we'd basically lose any useful utilization of the Google Analytics view tied to this plug-in, correct? Plus all integrated functionality of course. Is that the only ramification? Trying to determine if I should move forward without it (hopefully it comes soon!).
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