beta 4 - Upgrade issue : This action is available via POST only.


Well-known member
When I go to /install/ to upgrade, it will show the button to Begin upgrade, when I click on it, it will show a log in box again.
Enter the info and it will show this error "This action is available via POST only. Please press the back button and try again."

That is a way old version of APC and I would recommend uprading to 3.1.9.

The magic number of 30 comes from the fact that many old distros of Linux came with a maximum shared memory setting of 32MB out of the box. Personally I would increase the shared memory size of your server first
How would one increase the shared memory of the server? Can't find anything on it.
You can either add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf and run sysctl -p (this makes it permanent as well)
# Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes
kernel.shmmax = 68719476736

or you can run the following to change it till the next reboot
echo 68719476736 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

Adjust value to suit :)
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