XF 1.1 Best option for adding navbar tabs?


Well-known member
I wondered what people's opinion was on the best way to add extra tabs.

Jake's add-on looks great but the fact that it can add up to 4 extra queries per page seems like a lot. The other option of modifying the template and hard-coding things in is an option but not quite as nice.

I assume at some stage in the future (1.2?) the lack of any navbar management will be addressed but until then I wondered what people were doing and why?
Jake's add-on looks great but the fact that it can add up to 4 extra queries per page seems like a lot.

1-3 extra queries per page.

You can enable debug mode to see load stats on each page. That will allow you to see the difference. I just did this on my forum and found a very small difference in load time and memory:

		w/o addon	w/ addon
load time:	0.0750s		0.0800s
memory:		8.2MB		8.5MB

It's not enough to worry about.
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