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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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what expression do i need if i only want a advanced html block to be only visible for certain threads dependent on the thread prefix?
What should write in the expression field, when i don't want to show the widget to users in usergroup 7.

I've tried !ismemberof($user,7) but that didn't work out so well! :D

I have a small issue.

I have made some widgets to display on all pages and have given them 1,2,3,4 as display order. In addition to that, i also have 2 widgets to be shown on only forum_list and have given them 5 and 6 as display order, But when i see them on front page the 2 widgets with display order 5,6 are shown at the top and the 4 widgets for all pages and shown below it.

Can any one help me in this matter?
what is the expression to include active member or member from certain usergroup only in Todays Birthday widget ?
Is there a way to make it so the sidebar widgets for the thread view only shows the widgets if the page is already tall enough with posts? Like if there are only enough posts to be 1000px tall it only shows 1000px worth of widgets but if the thread is long enough to show 2000px of widgets it will show 2000px of widgets?
Is it possible to add widgets to specific threads? I have tried position: thread_view and expresssion: $threads['node_id'] == 42 but it is not working. Error code: Undefined variable: threads
I am guessing I will have to contact the author of this add-on to get this corrected:

Fatal error: Declaration of XenQuotation_WidgetRenderer_RandomQuotation::_getRenderTemplate() must be compatible with that of WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer::_getRenderTemplate() in /home/familygu/public_html/library/XenQuotation/WidgetRenderer/RandomQuotation.php on line 53

Which is terrible, really wanting to use this, the author isn't around much anymore.
This frameworks seems quite impressive.
Another impressive addon from an impressive autho(u)r.
I think xfrocks is like my friend - they both THINK in binary !

Julio Franco Version: 1.5.3
I found the add-on description to be a bit confusing/vague, but after looking more deeply into it I discovered the amazing work that's been put into developing the Widget Framework.
Agreed !

It seems this framework needs a slightly better explanation.

(1) What are people using it for ? Examples ?
(2) How would you explain what this framework does (for the mere mortal) that would help explain it better on the Description Tab of this Addon ? (ie. what you put after "People love widgets" to help someone like me understand this).

All help appreciated.
When I try to update my status in "User recent status" I get the following error: "
The requested member could not be found. "
Sometimes, when I se my site not logged in at forum-list position, it does not show the recent threads block. However, they are shown at other nodes, and when I go back to forum-list, they are shown OK. Have others experienced the same?
Does anyone know if there's a way to change the character cut off length for the recent threads blocks? Mine looks slightly off and I think it's because the thread prefixes are changing the length of the thread titles.
Quick fix for Threads widget which lost post_date on Most replied:

Edit template "wf_widget_threads",

<xen:foreach loop="$mostReplied" value="$thread">
                        <xen:avatar user="$thread" size="s" img="true" />
                        <xen:include template="wf_widget_threads_thread_title">
                            <xen:set var="$_showPrefix">{$widget.options.display.show_prefix}</xen:set>
                        <div class="userTitle">{xen:phrase wf_x_posted, 'user=<a href="{xen:link 'members', {$thread}}">{$thread.username}</a>'}, {xen:phrase replies}: {xen:number $thread.reply_count}</div>

<xen:foreach loop="$mostReplied" value="$thread">
                        <xen:avatar user="$thread" size="s" img="true" />
                        <xen:include template="wf_widget_threads_thread_title">
                            <xen:set var="$_showPrefix">{$widget.options.display.show_prefix}</xen:set>
                        <div class="userTitle">{xen:phrase wf_x_posted, 'user=<a href="{xen:link 'members', {$thread}}">{$thread.username}</a>'} <xen:datetime time="{$thread.post_date}" />, {xen:phrase replies}: {xen:number $thread.reply_count}</div>
For some reason, I can't seem to change the text "Today is user's birthday.". I've edited the phrases that seem to correspond with this text, but I still get it in English:


Isn't this a phrase? If I search for it now I don't find anything matching it. Any ideas?

Edit: Never mind, apparently the problem fixed itself. I removed my custom widget title, then the correct phrase was shown. Then I added a custom widget title again.
Any integrated this in to Jaxel's porta for the sidebar? I'd rather keep all my sidebar items in one place.
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