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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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some plugin/add-on I use dont work with newest version, I would have to pay 150$+ just to update :S
And I probably don't have TMS as I dont know what it is.
Thanks for quick answers btw :)
some plugin/add-on I use dont work with newest version, I would have to pay 150$+ just to update :S
And I probably don't have TMS as I dont know what it is.
Thanks for quick answers btw :)
Please start a conversation with me regarding this.
How can I set one "Widget Page" as the homepage for guests and a different "Widget Page" as the homepage for members who are signed in? I assume, at least with some template edits, that this is possible?
How can I set one "Widget Page" as the homepage for guests and a different "Widget Page" as the homepage for members who are signed in? I assume, at least with some template edits, that this is possible?
I think that's not possible.
User online now does not work on a newly created widgets page! Its hows nothing.
Which position?

How can I set one "Widget Page" as the homepage for guests and a different "Widget Page" as the homepage for members who are signed in? I assume, at least with some template edits, that this is possible?
Not possible for different page. But I guess you can control each widget for that purpose?
I think that's not possible.

You break my heart.

Worst case scenario you could make ONE widget page with all the "guest" stuff at the top and all the "member" stuff below and then, with conditionals, hide each of your guest widgets with conditionals on a one by one basis. But I'm guessing there is an easier or cleaner way.

It might not be easy but it's GOT to be possible. I'll report back when/if I find a solution. Let's hope so, @Phases
How can I set one "Widget Page" as the homepage for guests and a different "Widget Page" as the homepage for members who are signed in? I assume, at least with some template edits, that this is possible?

In Navigation:

        <!-- home -->
        <xen:if is="{$showHomeLink}">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
        <li class="navTab home PopupClosed"><a href="/index.php?widget-pages/startseite/" class="navLink">{xen:phrase home}</a></li>
        <xen:else />
        <li class="navTab home PopupClosed"><a href="/index.php?widget-pages/gast/" class="navLink">{xen:phrase home}</a></li>
I have a widget that is displayed on position forum_list, pagenode_container but I only want the pagenode_container = 9 only.

What expression should I use. Thank you

What expression should I use to display Users with most replies in last 7 days?
and same with most thread started in last 7 days?
Trying to figure out how to flush the cache in the blog widget. There is a deleted post (hard delete), but it is still showing up.

I edited the widget, deleted it and re-added it, rebuilt the search cache, disabled [bd] Widget and re-abled it .... Still there.
Trying to figure out how to flush the cache in the blog widget. There is a deleted post (hard delete), but it is still showing up.

I edited the widget, deleted it and re-added it, rebuilt the search cache, disabled [bd] Widget and re-abled it .... Still there.
Rebuilding the search finally did it. :)
Hello! Step 2 of the installation says "Import the .xml file using XenForo add-on importer" - but I can't find any information on the add-on importer. What is it? Where is it?
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