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[bd] Tag Me for XenForo 1.3 3.2.0

No permission to download is actually a minor bug fix for :p

1) There is no way to do it now. Considering that tagging doesn't cost so much (in term of performance) + the feature is widely adopted in many popular sites, I think it's should be available to everyone
2) You will have problem if you uninstall the add-on because the [USER] bb code tag will not be rendered properly. You can run a regex replace to remove the tags though...
or.... you can use the addon bbcode manager to render them however you like :)
No, but surely if you want that then use this mod (y)
I said the bbcode manager can handle converting the user tags if you uninstall this mod - thats what i meant.
Is there a known problem with this add-on and IE8? I have a member who cannot tag, they do not get the auto suggest box, and if they @name it does not convert to a link. Win98 or Win 7 and IE8. Works fine for me in Firefox (Mac).
Be careful, it can be misinterpreted.
When telling someone that they are "using the internet wrong" think about it as if someone was telling you that you were not having sex properly. Be very gentle.
Is there a known problem with this add-on and IE8? I have a member who cannot tag, they do not get the auto suggest box, and if they @name it does not convert to a link. Win98 or Win 7 and IE8. Works fine for me in Firefox (Mac).
This is not a problem. IE is just not supported.
Anyway, that user should be able to tag (without the suggestion) because the tagging is done server side.
Be careful, it can be misinterpreted.
When telling someone that they are "using the internet wrong" think about it as if someone was telling you that you were not having sex properly. Be very gentle.
Most of them who report problems who are using IE simply didn't realise they could use a different browser, and were just using "what came with the PC".
When tagging names that being with [ .... only some work, and it seems to be random. We have roughly 50 usernames that start with [ and only about 15 will show when you start typing it.
When tagging names that being with [ .... only some work, and it seems to be random. We have roughly 50 usernames that start with [ and only about 15 will show when you start typing it.
IIRC, the suggestion list is limit to 10 users at maximum
I see that this addon does not search texts in usernames, but search at the beginning from usernames.Why don't you embeded xenforo built-in suggestion like in /members/ page?
I will let my users know that some IE browsers are not supported.

Anyway, that user should be able to tag (without the suggestion) because the tagging is done server side.

That's the point, they can't. I checked the usernames were correct - they are - and incidentally, when I edit their post to correct one of the usernames and save it, that does not convert to a link either, so I would guess your add-on does not work in post edits, only in the original post? I will await further reports from other members who encounter tagging not working for users despite a correct name and maybe then we can move forwards with this.
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