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[bd] Rotating Ads 2.0

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Great mod!

We found a bug. Option "Expire Date" is not working.
If checkbox checked - there is no Ad. If checkbox unchecked - Ad in the right place.
Hi xfrocks - thanks for the great mods.

I've installed your widget framework and rotating ads on a dev board to test sidebar advertising for my soon-to-be-converted forum from IPB.

I run two types of ad unit in the sidebar - 300x250 and 160x600.

I can't seem to get either to display in any position, I'm thinking it's because of the type of code supplied by the ad agency.

I've tried using just the widget framework with both HTML and advanced HTML boxes without success, and also tried it using rotating ads with the link and banner types selected - nothing shows anywhere.

I've supplied the code I use below - do you see any reason why the javascript won't render? I need to figure this out since I can't modify the code as it's supplied to me and I can't make the switch to XF until I can be sure that I can display ads to cover my server costs.

Also, because the code supplied to me handles both links and images, do I need a 3rd option to choose from for "type" such as "3rd party code" or similar where the code handles everything?

Many thanks,
Mike :)

<!-- begin ad tag (tile=2) -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write('<script language="JavaScript" src=";tile=2;sz=160x600;ord=' + ord + '?" type="text/javascript"><\/script>');
</script><noscript><a href=";tile=2;sz=160x600;ord=123456789?" target="_blank"><img src=";tile=2;sz=160x600;ord=123456789?" width="160" height="600" border="0" alt=""></a></noscript>
<!-- End ad tag -->
Max. 2018-01-30 - no effect :(
On our forum there is yet two people with same problem.
Bug confirmed and fix is coming, sorry for the problem :(

Can you explain how slider ads work?
If you select the slider type, you will be able to enter a list of images and links and they will be displayed in a JavaScript slider (animation and stuff).

Hi xfrocks - thanks for the great mods.

I've installed your widget framework and rotating ads on a dev board to test sidebar advertising for my soon-to-be-converted forum from IPB.
If you use the provider code, you only need [bd] Widget Framework. Simply paste the script into a HTML widget and you are done. No need to use [bd] Rotating Ads. If you still have problem figuring out how to use it, send me a message and I will give you more detailed instruction.
Great addon! thanks a bunch.

Quick question, are Secondary Groups taken into account? If so, here is an scenario I'm unsure how to work with:

Let's say I have user: username1 and this user is assigned to Registered as his primary Usergroup and Moderators as Secondary Usergroup.

If I create a banner and select it should display only to registered Usergroup, I would assume it will display for this user, as the group is its primary usergroup, however, what if my intention was that it would not show to Moderators, is my only choice to manually remove the 'Registered' usergroup from that user?

Wouldn't removing a user from the Registered usergroup cause permission problems as it is the default XenForo Usergroup?

I appreciate any direction.


Jose R. Lopez
xfrocks, I wanted to confirm something on this add-on.

I see that you can set the ad to expire (which is great). But, is there a notification of some sort when it is close or at the expired date? For example, an alert or an email, etc?
Great addon! thanks a bunch.

Quick question, are Secondary Groups taken into account? If so, here is an scenario I'm unsure how to work with:

Let's say I have user: username1 and this user is assigned to Registered as his primary Usergroup and Moderators as Secondary Usergroup.

If I create a banner and select it should display only to registered Usergroup, I would assume it will display for this user, as the group is its primary usergroup, however, what if my intention was that it would not show to Moderators, is my only choice to manually remove the 'Registered' usergroup from that user?

Wouldn't removing a user from the Registered usergroup cause permission problems as it is the default XenForo Usergroup?

I appreciate any direction.


Jose R. Lopez
The add-on take the secondary user groups into account so for now you can't achieve what you want. It's in the to do list though so next version will have the option to choose black list or white list the user groups.

xfrocks, I wanted to confirm something on this add-on.

I see that you can set the ad to expire (which is great). But, is there a notification of some sort when it is close or at the expired date? For example, an alert or an email, etc?
Nope. The expired ads will be discarded from the rendering engine. The only way to know is looking in the AdminCP
Nope. The expired ads will be discarded from the rendering engine. The only way to know is looking in the AdminCP

So, the ad will 'go away' and it will cease to display? If so, is there a default ad that can be showed in the event that there are no ads that are 'active'?
So, the ad will 'go away' and it will cease to display? If so, is there a default ad that can be showed in the event that there are no ads that are 'active'?
Oh, I see what you are thinking about now. Sorry you can't do it right now. I will add it to the to do list though ;)

Great mod!
Can we have "second post" on all pages , and not only first ?
And it would be great to have the same thing for last post

On the next version is there any way to have the ads applied to particular forums like how you can for user groups now. Say if I want all adult content to be posted in one forum and disable ads on it so that adsense doesn't ban me?

This helps a bit but ....


Could you post some screenshots with real ads in it ?
This is an awesome mod, but I have one question - I have a premium user upgrade on my forum that allow my members to hide any rotating ads on the site.
However, this addon is set to only show for registered users and guests, and not for premium members, but they will still see it because in the xF user upgrade settings, you can only specify that a user will be automatically added to a new usergroup, and not moved to it, so they are still member of both premium and registered.

How do I hide the banners from those users who are members of both groups without having to manually move everyone who subscribe to the premium user group?

Was just coming here to request this exact same thing ^ :P
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