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[bd] Paygates 1.5.2

No permission to download
The posting of the amazon payment option is from 2014. So it is already funded, right?

Now it is January 2016. What happend with this option? Was it never finished or do I miss here something?
Amazon ditched FPS support and moved on to a new system already. Currently no integration is in the work / planned yet.
When my members purchase a forum upgrade I do not want them to have the option to pay with money as in this screen shot


I have disabled the money option in the add on options but it does not seem to do anything?

You can't fallback to default processing because it does not recognize Stripe or anything else other than PayPal. Even with PayPal, there are limitation with the default processing script. If you have to, I can write a script to allow the default PayPal to handle PayPal subscriptions. No way to support Stripe or other paygates though.

xfrocks, with the changes you made to the Stripe module, I'd like to give this a go again - would it be possible to write the script quoted above, to use the default PayPal for PayPal subscriptions? That way we have a way out should we have to uninstall, without having hundreds of broken recurring paypal subs.
xfrocks, with the changes you made to the Stripe module, I'd like to give this a go again - would it be possible to write the script quoted above, to use the default PayPal for PayPal subscriptions? That way we have a way out should we have to uninstall, without having hundreds of broken recurring paypal subs.
That would be possible.
This addon conflicts with @Daniel Hood 's User Essentials. I think this is caused be the way that custom donations are handled.
Custom Amounts are extremely important to us as 60% of our donations are custom amounts. Please consider to implement a solution to this.
It will throw a white page if there is a zero amount set and User Essentials is installed. User Essentials requires this for custom amounts.
Hey @xfrocks,

I am using this along with the Xenforo Resource Manager and I want a user to be able to create a resource and define their personal paypal account then in which a user can purchase that resource which goes to the resource owner and then download it in their purchased resources. much like this;

I'm willing to pay if you can make this into an update or standalone.
Hey @xfrocks,

I am using this along with the Xenforo Resource Manager and I want a user to be able to create a resource and define their personal paypal account then in which a user can purchase that resource which goes to the resource owner and then download it in their purchased resources. much like this;

I'm willing to pay if you can make this into an update or standalone.
@xfrocks ive contacted you on your website, i am 'tmil2000'
Just did a file health check on my forum and have this message.

Any ideas??
I'm getting the same.

Also user upgrades and donations work but the user upgrades dont show up in active upgrades and donations will not show on donation addon.

Ruled out my donation plugin and xf core.
@xfrocks Thanks for making this for the community!

So I've download Resource Manager and installed your add-on. Problem is I have no clue how your add-on works?? I can't find any instructions for steps to use this add-on. Any help or guidance would be appreciated! :)
In addition to what I said here:
If you set price for resources using commercial uploaded file, (As I showed in screenshots), then users will see "Purchase ... $" insteasd of "Download Now".
And if they click on it, then they will go to paypal to pay, and after that, they will back to your site, and then they will see "Download Now" button.
Pay more attention to my answer with screenshots.
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