[bd] Medals 'Medals' phrase location?:


Active member
I have looked but cannot find where this particular location is for changing it from 'Medals' to 'Medals Awarded'. PLEASE Help? Thanks guys...

Here's the link HERE:
    <phrase title="bdmedal_medals" version_id="2" version_string="0.9.1"><![CDATA[Medals]]></phrase>

BUT this will change this on many places

probably you want to change only the

Many places? I'm totally confused because it seems that I only need to change the phrase text on the bdmedal_medals, and I have done that yet the navigation has made no change to that effect. And I'm confused about the code you gave me above, as to where I need to replace or put that? Thanks ragtek ;-)
Many places? I'm totally confused

Sometimes the same phrase is used in more than one forum area. But ragtek checked and said it's used 2 times only, one for the navtab and help page. So changing that phrase to read "Medals Awarded", would also change to read the same in the "Help Page". Something you have to keep in-mind when changing to read something else, because the renaming might not necessarily suit other forums areas it's used in.
Sometimes the same phrase is used in more than one forum area. But ragtek checked and said it's used 2 times only, one for the navtab and help page. So changing that phrase to read "Medals Awarded", would also change to read the same in the "Help Page". Something you have to keep in-mind when changing to read something else, because the renaming might not necessarily suit other forums areas it's used in.
that's what i tried to say^^
Sometimes the same phrase is used in more than one forum area. But ragtek checked and said it's used 2 times only, one for the navtab and help page. So changing that phrase to read "Medals Awarded", would also change to read the same in the "Help Page". Something you have to keep in-mind when changing to read something else, because the renaming might not necessarily suit other forums areas it's used in.
that's what i tried to say^^
Ok Thanks. So, where does this code go again?
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