[bd] Medal

[bd] Medal 1.5.5b

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I have 470K members of my forum, and with this huge number, I was gave medals in phpmyadmin and rebuild medal in ACP ,but with 20k rebuilt it gives error and aborted.
Do you have any ideas to reduce rebuild time?
I have rebuilt 160k members' medals already in 4 days and it's just about 30% percent of my forum. :cry:
View attachment 164800
That's too slow. The query for the rebuilder should be way faster than that. How many users are you processing per round? Assuming you have 500k users, your database server should be pretty beefy -> increasing the batch to 1000 or something should help.

Since you are already in the middle of the rebuild. FOR FOUR DAYS. We have limited choices though. Please contact me via convo to further debug this.
That's too slow. The query for the rebuilder should be way faster than that. How many users are you processing per round? Assuming you have 500k users, your database server should be pretty beefy -> increasing the batch to 1000 or something should help.

Since you are already in the middle of the rebuild. FOR FOUR DAYS. We have limited choices though. Please contact me via convo to further debug this.

I can not register Convo because it requires company email and I'm just a personal user.
How about teamviewer?

I cant install framework and medal system... i try in other instalation in the same server and there is not problem... could anyone help me?
Xenforo 1.5.10

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active - library/bdMedal/ShippableHelper/Updater.php:79
Generated By: Cuenta desconocida, Hoy a las 11:54 AM
Stack Trace #0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Solicitar estado array(3) {
["url"] => string(36) "https://foro.portalpez.com/admin.php"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
I do not see this addon in the overview pages of XF2.x addons. Are there any plans to offer this addon also for XF2.x?
After updating from 1.5.0b to 1.5.5b I've got an error:
XenForo_Exception: No data - library/bdMedal/Helper/Template.php:85
I've already rebuild user cache and medal cache, 3 tables and column in xf_user: xf_bdmedal_awarded_cached are on place. This happen only when debug mode is true (I need it). Please, help!
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I've had this addon installed for a few months now with no issues. But I just installed a donation addon, and somehow all my awards have disappeared from the side Message User Info block. I have uninstalled both and reinstalled just the Medal addon, but it still doesn't show up.

Do you know what might be preventing it from showing up? I don't have any forum errors.

Edit: So looking at this from multiple templates, even the default, it does not show up on the side or via the user profile. I can view the available awards via the help menu. I can assign people awards, but there seems to be a disconnect between the plugin providing the information to the user profile card.
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