[bd] Medal [Deleted]

View attachment 188456
Upgraded 1.4.6 to 2.0.4, when i add medal. how can i fix it?

It seems the upgrade process doesn't add is_svg column to the xf_bdmedal_medal table if the table already exists. If you're comfortable with running database queries, you can fix it by adding the column manually.

ALTER TABLE xf_bdmedal_medal
  ADD is_svg tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
@xfrocks can you give us the official word if it's compatible? I'm going to upgrade sometime after DL6 widget add-on and the compatible Content Ratings is released. I'd like to know if we need to wait on your update or if this is already good to go.
Just a quick question as looking tp upgrade from XF1 - Instead of showing all the medals a chatter has been awarded in the message area, does this allow you to only show a few with a link to see the others? At the moment, some members have so many it looks untidy.
Just a quick question as looking tp upgrade from XF1 - Instead of showing all the medals a chatter has been awarded in the message area, does this allow you to only show a few with a link to see the others? At the moment, some members have so many it looks untidy.
In both XF1 and XF2 version, you can set maximum number of medals to render.
In both XF1 and XF2 version, you can set maximum number of medals to render.

Hey @xfrocks since your on I thought I'd ask if you had any idea when the trophy extension was going to be added? Addon flare released a medal add-on just recently that has it but if you added it I wouldn't switch. Not sure when I would anyway but I was considering it somewhere down the line.

- Brad
Hey @xfrocks since your on I thought I'd ask if you had any idea when the trophy extension was going to be added? Addon flare released a medal add-on just recently that has it but if you added it I wouldn't switch. Not sure when I would anyway but I was considering it somewhere down the line.

- Brad

A new update for Medal add-on will come to address to take advantage of XF2.1 and include the trophy integration (no need to purchase separately). We are looking forward to a late April, early May release.
A new update for Medal add-on will come to address to take advantage of XF2.1 and include the trophy integration (no need to purchase separately). We are looking forward to a late April, early May release.

Wow that sounds good. I will keep checking to see when it has been released. Appreciate the 411

- Brad
Does anyone know if there is a way of doing the following?

Instead of having medals diplayed in the postbit - Instead have text along the lines of "This user has x medals"

My postbit is currently over-crowded with medals and the users are not keen on the idea of them being hidden as they like to show off their achievements. This seems like a great compromise!
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