bbcode for anchor and toc


Well-known member
It seems there is one paid add-on for a toc, but you cant pay it immediately.
So i ask here if there is anything else. If not it should be not so hard to do it for my own?



Then we substitute the toc with some css, get the lines first by \n, then by | and give back something like <a name= in a nice div with another color, bold font ...
the same we do with [anc] as id name=

Maybe we ad list ordered an unorderd with toc1 or tocl,
maybe we need a second level like:


Is this enough or are there more ideas and steps to do?

Maybe with a form for users?
Maybe with buttons and javascript to add a name and #name somehow automatically for users who need it?

Personally i dont see what could be more for now. And at least for myself i prefer the a shortcut version to write it fast.

I will watch this tomorrow
while i want to have it shorter [toc]...[/toc] and regex instead of iurl for every line.

Here is code for another forum software

Here is the paid one without payment function

jquery? There are more.

If you have more ideas, please let me know.
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Hmmm, we could do also something like ...

[anc]1[/anc]Rest of the line
New line text

[anc]2[/anc]Rest of the line
New line text

And from this

a name=1>Rest of the line</a

So we dont need to write the toc itself, but then we are bound to Rest of line


toc and anc

or ank Rest of the line

and now i have to think about how this could be mixed. :)
My (paid) Advanced Bb Codes Pack addon has an anchor tag (with bb-code editor for new tags).

However I use my (paid) Threadmarks add-on to layer a table-of-content like system on posts rather than explicit bb-codes. This way each post can have a next/previous button, categories and an easy access to the entire list.
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Yes, i have both and use it. My idea is to have the toc inside the post, so i will try this next week.
For the anchor i will use your syntac with a shorter copy of the name also.
I did develop a TOC add-on for xf1 three years ago.
It's running there:

I may have to port it to xf2 in the coming weeks.
Sadly I never got around publishing it.

The implementation of it was documented there:
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I wrote a custom bb code which does all with javascript. You don't need to use special bb codes for heading, the headings are determined by font-size.

namespace XF\Toc;

use XF\BbCode\Renderer\AbstractRenderer;

class FontSizeToc {

    public static function getFontSizeToc($tagChildren, $tagOption, $tag, array $options, AbstractRenderer $renderer) {
        $randnum = rand();
        $randid = "font-size-toc-" . $randnum;
        $funcid = "func" . $randnum;
        $js = "<div id=\"" . $randid . "\"></div><script> setTimeout(function() { " . $funcid . "(); }, 500); function " . $funcid . "() { var searchedid = \"" . $randid . "\";" . <<<EOT

var div = document.getElementById(searchedid);
var divsearch = div;

while(divsearch !== undefined){
    var classValue = divsearch.getAttribute("class");
    if(classValue !== null && classValue.indexOf("message-userContent") !== -1){

    divsearch = divsearch.parentElement;

var spans = divsearch.getElementsByTagName("span");
var dict = {};
var dictLevel = {};
var headings = {};

  var fontSize = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(spans[i], null).getPropertyValue('font-size'));
  if (fontSize > 15) {
    if(dict[fontSize] === undefined) { dict[fontSize] = 0; }
    spans[i].id = fontSize + "_" + dict[fontSize];
    headings[spans[i].id] = { text: spans[i].innerText, fontSize: fontSize };
    //alert(spans[i].innerHTML + fontSize + "_" + dict[fontSize]);

var level = 0;

// sort dict by key dont know how..
for(i = 50; i > 0; i--){
  if(dict[i] !== undefined){
     dictLevel[i] = level;

var tocDiv = document.createElement("div");
tocDiv.setAttribute("style", "border-width:1px;border-color: black;border-style:solid;float:right; padding:0.5em; max-width:40%;");
var tocHeader = document.createElement("h3");
tocHeader.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Table of Contents"));


for(var key in headings){
  var headingP = document.createElement("p");
  headingP.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: " + (dictLevel[headings[key].fontSize] * 1) + "em;font-weight: bold;font-size:15px;");
  var headingLink = document.createElement("a");
  headingLink.setAttribute("href", "#" + key);

div.appendChild(tocDiv); }

        return $js;

The only thing i hate on this is the setTimeout usage, but dont know how to make it better.

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