
It's not snowing is it?
Massive rain and strong winds. The air is cold. I like my feet warm :)
It's been a while since I put on socks inside the apartment.

I even have wooden outdoor tiles on the balcony, so even when it rains I don't walk on concrete in a puddle of collected rain water. But I can just sit outside with laptop or have supper. It's great in the spring/autumn (and summer).

It hailed twice the other day though, big chunks :)
Lovely day here, already been down to Tesco with Elliot to pick a few bits and pieces. No shoe police there today.
Lovely day here, already been down to Tesco with Elliot to pick a few bits and pieces. No shoe police there today.
I misread that as shoe polish.

I was just about to ask why you were buying shoe polish when barefoot :D
Usually barefoot in my own home, socks with no shoes as a guest in others' homes. But I can't possibly imagine walking barefoot in the city/suburbs. With everything being sidewalks, there's no incentive for me (eg, mud through my toes! ;)). But I do try to barefoot when I visit a rural or country-side area.
Getting toes stepped on by a horse, getting toes stepped on by cattle, gypsum crystals, quartz crystals, scorpions, cactus, rocks, goats head thorns, rattle snakes. Hmmmm, no thanks
I guess right now i'm a halfie-bare-footer as I'm wearing mandles , and was wondering what countries don't have any official laws against not wearing footwear as in my location, if i were to walk into say even a gas station I wouldn't get served per law. The thought was spawned from my initial question when reading this post - Shelley, no one reprimanded you when you walked into a doctor's office shoeless?
( HA just thought of that --> home of the free and the brave - shoes required )
I guess right now i'm a halfie-bare-footer as I'm wearing mandles , and was wondering what countries don't have any official laws against not wearing footwear as in my location, if i were to walk into say even a gas station I wouldn't get served per law. The thought was spawned from my initial question when reading this post - Shelley, no one reprimanded you when you walked into a doctor's office shoeless?
( HA just thought of that --> home of the free and the brave - shoes required )

Nope. Infact, thinking back there have been numerous occasions where I've seen people in robes walking in bare footed because they are that ill and have gained instant access to appointment that wasn't kept by somebody else. I think because I was in normal clothing, that's the reason I got some strange looks.
I don't go bare footing in public, like walking to the shops or anything. People would think I'm nuts! I would on a beach though no problem.

But I never wear shoes or slippers in the house, never have. I always walk around with just socks or bare feet. Depends how cold the floor is.
in my location, if i were to walk into say even a gas station I wouldn't get served per law
I think you'll find there is no such law on the US statute books - a ban on shoelessness is the choice of the individual establishment rather than a federal or state mandate.
Nope. Infact, thinking back there have been numerous occasions where I've seen people in robes walking in bare footed because they are that ill and have gained instant access to appointment that wasn't kept by somebody else. I think because I was in normal clothing, that's the reason I got some strange looks.
That is an interesting thought, see over here as far as I've seen the only way you could get away with it here.. is for medical but... it would have to be either a child period for any sick reason, or an adult with a cast on their foot that inhibited use of footwear or anyone being brought in for an emergency situation. For the most part if you can walk you need to wear shoes here minus beaches of course.

I think you'll find there is no such law on the US statute books - a ban on shoelessness is the choice of the individual establishment rather than a federal or state mandate.

Ahhh but the insurance companies tax them ridiculously or deny them insurance which they need to have an open establishment so effectively it's a silent law at least in connecticut

I found one shred of physical evidence...

Also cities and towns may reserve that right to ban bare-footing here.
This site had an article that said:
It should also be noted that if you are pulled over for another violation and the officer writing the ticket feels that your lack of footwear contributed to the accident than they may add a reckless driving charge on top of everything else. This is at the discretion of the officer, so it doesn't make driving barefoot illegal - you could get a reckless driving charge for causing an accident wearing platform shoes just as easily.
What a sad state of affairs.
Truly it is, all the posturing about how we're so free here and people are so blind to see that people still control people that control our use of footwear...amongst other things. I wonder what would happen if everyone in my country just said hey today is no shoe Saturday and did the damn thing bare-footin it all day. I would love it and participate.

Update Edit:Hey I read some more through that site i posted and realized that there is actually heath benefits to being barefoot. Any body notice a difference at the end of the day when they don't wear shoes at all? I personally just realized that I get a mini-headache almost every time I take shoes off. Any one else have any shoe related problems?
Truly it is, all the posturing about how we're so free here and people are so blind to see that people still control people that control our use of footwear...amongst other things. I wonder what would happen if everyone in my country just said hey today is no shoe Saturday and did the damn thing bare-footin it all day. I would love it and participate.
That would be epic. *starts plotting....*
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