XF 2.2 Backup and import mysql - problem thread titles


Active member
Hi iam trying to import a database to a new server, but the thread titles haves problems i think its the encoding.

Example characters like this ç ão have problems in the thread title, but inside the posts dont have any problem.
I have utf8mb4_general_ci and in the new server database have create the same.
I have used the backup generated from cpanel.

Any special command to import to the new database?
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Not so much import... but did you export using the utf8mb4 parameters... in most cases, mySQL does not export in that format unless you tell it to.
Its an auto backup from cpanel.
And you know for a fact that it exports in the same format?
Have you looked at the actual dump file it gives you to confirm that... or are you simply assuming?
I don't use cPanel as for me, it's a waste of resources that could be applied elsewhere... so have no active knowledge of it.
Unless you have specifically set the mysqldump option in your my.cnf file, the cPanel backups won't use the correct utf8mb4 option in the backup dumps

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